I want to attend the WiML 2022 NeurIPS workshop. What shall I do?

In order to attend our event, you complete both steps below:

  1. Register to NeurIPS 2022 here. To attend our in-person event, you need to register either for the NeurIPS “Conference” or Workshops” session. Registering for either physical component will grant you access to WiML .

    If you are attending virtually, the NeurIPS “
    Virtual Only Pass” will suffice. Early registration (with reduced rates) ends on October the 14th. Information about visa application, including visa letter invitation can be found here.

  1. Fill in our WiML registration form (free) here. This form helps us keep a headcount. Authors, co-authors and volunteers will be receiving promo codes by email.


  • Any physical (in-person) registration includes the NeurIPS ‘Virtual Pass’ and as such provides a pass to our virtual component too.

  • Attendees that are attending only virtually using the NeurIPS “Virtual Only Pass” registration, they will be able to access the livestream links of our in-person event.

  • You don’t need to be an author of an accepted submission to our workshop to attend.

I will be presenting my work in the WiML 2022 NeurIPS workshop. Do I need to pay NeurIPS registration?

WiML will be covering up to the NeurIPS 'Workshops' early registration fee for authors that are in need. The recipients of the support should have already got an update on this starting October the 8th. We did our best to provide travel funding support and NeurIPS registration fee support to the applicants that most needed it and to the extent our funds allow.

To attend our in-person event, you need to register either for the NeurIPS “Conference” or Workshops” session. Registering for either physical component will grant you access to WiML . Register to NeurIPS 2022 here.
If you are attending virtually, the NeurIPS “
Virtual Only Pass” will suffice. Early registration (with reduced rates) ends on October the 14th. Information about visa application, including visa letter invitation can be found here.

You also need to
fill in our WiML registration form (free) here. This form helps us keep a headcount. Authors, co-authors and volunteers will be receiving promo codes by email. If you haven't received an email with the promo code please reach out to workshop@wimlworkshop.org.

I need to apply for visa. Can you help me with the visa invitation letter?

NeurIPS requires that you first register for the conference in order to get a visa invitation letter for in-person attendance; if your visa is not processed in time, your registration fee may be reimbursed, see here for NeurIPS cancellation policy. You can find more information regarding visa here: https://neurips.cc/Conferences/2022/Visa.

As we also require that you register to NeurIPS using the NeurIPS either 'Conference' or “Workshops” registration option (for in-person attendnce), you may request the letter from NeurIPS. Request for invitation letter is included as part of your NeurIPS registration process
. The letter is available in section 5 of your registration page. After you have registered, visit your registration and expand section 5 "VISA Letter of Invitation". Fill out the form and email yourself the letter.

If you believe your participation to WiML as a speaker/presenter/volunteer will help you in your visa application, contact workshop@wimlworkshop.org to request a visa letter from WiML with subject line visa letter request for speaker/presenter/volunteer.

your visa application process, you may use the following info:

Full Name of Organisation: Women in Machine Learning (WiML).

Phone number: (617) 286-4953

Street Address: 33 Oxford Street

City: Cambridge

State/Province: Massachusetts

Postal Zone/Zip code: 02138

Country/Region: USA

Is there any funding support for the attendees this year?

  • WiML travel funding support: Authors with accepted abstracts at WiML that have also applied for our travel funding support (now deadline expired) may receive support to partially cover expenses: see more details here. Note that support for NeurIPS 'workshops' registration fee will be provided (see below) but not for visa expenses. Decisions on authors that will be receiving support will be out on a rolling basis due to limited funds.
    Volunteers at WiML 2022: Authors with an accepted abstract at the WiML workshop and a successful travel funding application, must apply to be a volunteer at WiML to receive travel funding support. Unfortunately, for other volunteers we won’t be able to provide any support due to funding constraints.

  • NeurIPS 'workshops' registration fee support (Update): We were able to provide coverage for the NeurIPS 'workshops' registration (as this is required to ensure attendance to our workshop) to authors that were in most need. Emails should were sent to recipients with the update on October the 10th.

  • For everyone attending NeurIPS (“Conference” and/or “Workshops” sessions): NeurIPS is providing financial support for attendees at different levels of priority and with a deadline of October 3rd: Please see here and here for more details. We encourage individuals registered at NeurIPS (“Conference” and/or “Workshops” sessions) who need financial support to apply to:

  1. Be a volunteer at NeurIPS (for registration support only),

  2. OR apply to be a volunteer at NeurIPS, and apply for additional financial assistance (for both registration and accommodation support) through NeurIPS.

Indeed, NeurIPS will not consider a financial support application (as described in bullet point ‘2’) without an accompanying volunteer at NeurIPS application.

Note that NeurIPS is in coordination with the WiML committee to prioritize applicants with no other funding support (e.g., authors that are already receiving travel support from WiML): see here. If you apply for volunteering at NeurIPS and want to attend the WiML workshop in person, please make sure you register for the NeurIPS 'Conference' or 'Workshops' session during registration.

I received travel funding support. How will I get reimbursed?

Reimbursement takes place after the workshop. Details can be found in our Travel funding guidelines.

Will childcare be available?

Yes. See our Logistics page.

What are the mentorship roundtables?

Each table seats 8-10 people (including mentors), with two mentors leading the discussion on a particular topic at each table. WiML attendees rotate between tables every 15-20 minutes. This allows attendees to gain exposure to different topics, and mentors to meet a large number of WiML attendees.

I am a man. Can I attend WiML?

Yes. Allies are welcome to attend! Note, however, that all speakers and poster presenters will primarily identify as women, nonbinary, or gender-nonconforming, as our goal is to promote them and their work within the machine learning community.

Do you have a list of members? How can I join WiML?

WiML doesn’t have “members” per se, any women working in machine learning can be part of the WiML network. We have a mailing list for anyone to post announcements of interest to the WiML network and an opt-in, necessarily incomplete directory of women working in machine learning.

How do I reach the WiML network?

Use our mailing list.

Can I share my resume with the WiML sponsors?

Have your resume ready as a view-only link to a PDF file on Google Drive, Dropbox, etc., then fill in this Google Form.

How did WiML start? What's the founding story?

Hanna Wallach, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan, Lisa Wainer, and Angela Yu shared a room at NIPS 2005. Late one night, they talked about how exciting it was that there were FOUR female students at NIPS that year. They tried to list all the women in machine learning they know of and got to 10, then started talking about creating a meeting or gathering for all these women and perhaps others that they didn’t know about. Jenn, Lisa, and Hanna put together a proposal for a session at the 2006 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing that would feature talks and posters by female researchers and students in machine learning. The 1st WiML workshop was co-located with the 2006 Grace Hopper Celeberation. In 2008, WiML Workshop moved to NIPS (renamed NeurIPS in 2018) and there has been a WiML Workshop at NeurIPS every year since. In 2020, WiML introduced an “un-workshop” at ICML based on the concept of an “un-conference”, a form of discussion on a pre-selected topic that is primarily driven by participants. Read more WiML history here!

Is WiML an archival venue?

No, WiML is a non-archival venue. This means that, if your contribution is accepted, we will not be asking you to submit a camera-ready version of it, nor will we publish it anywhere (neither online nor in proceedings of any sort). We will only make the title and authors’ names available in the program book.

I have a question that isn't answered here. How do I reach you?

We receive a lot of email. Help us help you by reaching out through the appropriate channels.

  • Job posting, announcement, CFP, etc: Post directly to WiML mailing list.

  • Have event pictures to share: post on Twitter and tag @wimlworkshop

  • Workshop enquiries: workshop@wimlworkshop.org

  • If you are a company interested in sponsoring WiML: sponsorship@wimlworkshop.org

  • Any other enquiries: info@wimlworkshop.org

If you email us, don’t cc multiple email addresses — this saves us time routing your email to one mailbox, and reduces the chances of your email getting lost. Thank you in advance!

We organize events and run programs to support women in the field of machine learning.

WiML Code of Conduct: https://wimlworkshop.org/conduct/

  • Job posting, announcement, CFP, etc: Post directly to WiML mailing list https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/women-in-machine-learning

  • Workshop enquiries: workshop@wimlworkshop.org

  • If you are a company interested in sponsoring WiML: sponsorship@wimlworkshop.org

  • Any other enquiries: info@wimlworkshop.org

How can I sponsor WiML?

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring WiML! See this page for more information.