Call for Participation

The 17th Workshop for Women in Machine Learning (WiML) will be co-located with NeurIPS in New Orleans, Louisiana and will be hybrid.

The NeurIPS workshop for Women in Machine Learning will be held in person on Monday November the 28th and virtually on Monday December the 5th with invited speakers, oral presentations, and posters. The event brings together members of the academic and industry research landscape for an opportunity to connect and exchange ideas, and learn from each other. There will be a mentoring session to discuss current research trends and career choices in machine learning. Underrepresented minorities and undergraduates interested in pursuing machine learning research are encouraged to participate. All presenters should be women or non-binary, and all genders are invited to attend.

All submissions must abide by the WiML Code of Conduct.

Submission page:

Notification of acceptance is now sent to authors. Authors with accepted submissions and with a submitted travel funding application will be receiving further communication.


August 1st, 2022 11:59pm PT – Abstract Submission Open on CMT

August 26th, 2022 11:59pm PT – Abstract Submission Deadline

September 1st, 2022 11:59 PT - Abstract Submission Deadline [extended]

September 8th, 2022 11:59pm PT - Travel funding Application Deadline

September 15th, 2022 11:59pm PT – Notification of Acceptance

September 16th, 2022 11:59pm PT – Notification of Travel Funding

November 21st, 2022 11:59pm PT – Registration Deadline for NeurIPS

November 28th, 2022 – WiML Workshop Day (in person)

December 5th, 2022 – WiML Workshop Day (virtual)


We strongly encourage students, postdocs, and researchers in all areas of machine learning who are women or non-binary to submit an abstract (1 page PDF) describing new, previously, or concurrently published research. We welcome abstract submissions in theory, methodology, as well as applications. While the presenting author need not be the first author of the work, we request that the presenting author should be woman or non-binary.

Submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind setting. Authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to present their work in either a virtual or in-person poster session. A few authors will be selected to give oral presentations. There are no formal proceedings. Abstracts are non-archival: they may describe completed research or work-in-progress.

Please refer to the detailed Submission Instructions.


Registration to the NeurIPS conference is required to participate in this year's WiML workshop. Travel funding will be available for eligible WiML participants, to help cover transportation, meals, accomodation, poster printing and/or visa application related costs. The funding amounts will depend on the geographic location of the qualified recipients and their types of needs. Travel funding recipients are required to volunteer during the WiML Workshop.

To qualify, the participant must: i) be a woman or non-binary, ii) be the presenting and primary author of an accepted abstract at WiML 2022, and iii) be a student, postdoc, or hold an equivalent position (equivalent positions include unemployed recent grads and early career researchers from underrepresented geographical areas). WiML travel funding is administered as reimbursements after the workshop and no funding is allocated before the workshop.

If you are attending NeurIPS, we also encourage you to apply for NeurIPS’ volunteering and travel funding opportunities, which are separate and independent of WiML travel funding. More details can be found on the NeurIPS website.

Travel funding application form [now CLOSED]: Authors that have submitted their work will receive the application form starting on September 2, 2022. The application deadline is September 8th, 2022. Applications received past this deadline will not be considered.

* Important Note * More information on funding opportunities can be found in our FAQ section of our webpage.


Area chairs should be women or non-binary. The role of area chairs is to write a review and suggest an accept/reject decision for each abstract. We expect each area chair to be responsible for up to 10 one-page abstracts.

Area chair application form [now CLOSED]: If you are interested in being an area chair, please apply via the application link. Update: the deadline for the AC application has now passed (deadline August 24th). Thank you for your interest.

Visa invitation letter

Information on visa invitation letter requests can be found in our FAQ section of our webpage.


  • Sergul Aydore (Amazon AI)

  • Gloria Namanya (Makerere AI Research)

  • Mariam Arab (Microsoft and Simon Fraser University)

  • Beliz Gunel (Google AI)

  • Kimia Nadjahi (MIT)

  • Konstantina Palla (Spotify Research)

Questions? Check out the FAQs or reach us at workshop[at]wimlworkshop[dot]org