This specialty, developed by Dr. Frank Springob, is a relatively new approach to energy related healing. Using this technique, Dr. Wills is able to help patients by guiding the body to achieve a large and balanced energy field. MFT is minimally invasive using muscle response testing, and it is great for those patients who might be timid or leary of more traditional chiropractic care. By improving your energy field, a great health potential is achieved and often potential problems can show even before medical tests (such as blood testing, etc.) can pick them up. This is a great way to live in optimal wellness.

Morphogenic Field Technique is a tool to assess your energy field... in the sense of how it applies to health, the key is to have the largest and most symmetrical field you can possibly attain. A large field equates to increased vitality and energy. A person's field can shift or change, or become distorted based on health challenges. This can be visually demonstrated and solutions to problems can be quickly addressed. Very exciting and quite fascinating.

For more information on MFT go to