
University of Oxford

Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich

Center for AI Safety, San Francisco, California

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

University of Illinois at Chicago

Instructor, School of Public Health (2018—2019)


University of Illinois at Chicago

Canisius College, Buffalo, New York


Areas of Specialization

Philosophy of science and mathematics, epistemology, philosophy of AI

Areas of Competence

Ethics, aesthetics, logic



See Research page.


"Deontology, the Paralysis Argument and Altruistic Longtermism"

“Mathematical Explanation and Understanding: A Noeticist Account”

“Believing the Riemann Hypothesis: Inductive Justification Beyond Enumeration”

"Analogies and Modeling in Pure Mathematics"

“Counterfactuals and Mathematical Explanation: A Litany of Woes”

Unrealistic Models in Mathematics

“Bokulich on Fictions, Models and Explanation”

“Proving Quadratic Reciprocity: Explanation, Transparency, Depth and Disagreement”

“Viewing-as Explanations and Ontic Dependence”

“Is It Bad to Prefer Attractive Partners?”

"Grounding, Dependence and Mathematical Explanation”

"Mathematical Objects as Abstract Artifacts”

"Intertheoretic Reduction and Explanation in Mathematics”

“Explicitism about Truth in Fiction”

“Formalisms and Interpretations: The Case of Quantum Logic”


 Honors, Awards and Activities


Teaching Experience

At the MCMP:

At Frankfurt School of Finance and Management:

As primary instructor at UIC:


The Reasoner editorial board member, September 2021-present

Number Theory and Nondeductive Methods in Mathematics category editor on PhilPapers

Served as referee for MIT Press, Mind, Philosophical Studies, Philosophical Quarterly, Synthese, Erkenntnis, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Philosophia, Axiomathes, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Journal for General Philosophy of Science and the British Journal of Aesthetics

Co-organized the Summer School in Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students, MCMP, August 2022

Co-founded and co-organized the Chicagoland Philosophy Graduate Conference, 2015-2016

Revived and helped run the UIC undergraduate Philosophy Club, 2015-2016

UIC Graduate Student Council representative, 2015-2016

Co-organized Philosophy Department Works in Progress talk series, 2013-2014