
The bassoon is the lowest pitched woodwind instrument we offer in 6th grade. The very intricate yet beautiful bassoon is similar to the oboe in many ways. We only select 4-7 students to play the bassoon in the 6th grade band each year and pick only the very best to play this instrument. The bassoon reads in Bass Clef and can play both high and low notes. In band, they will specialize more in lower notes but in solos they will most likely play higher notes too. Private Lessons are REQUIRED for all bassoonists. No exceptions. We do offer scholarships to students who may need financial aid to help make this requirement possible to any student who is chosen for the Bassoon. Made of 5 pieces and a reed, the bassoon is very tall but doesn't require a tall student to play it. We do look for a natural overbite of the teeth and larger hands so that the student can reach all of the keys with ease. Listen to these 3 short videos below to see if the bassoon might be the instrument for you!

Demonstration of the Bassoon

The United States Army Field Band have put together a short video demonstrating what the instrument looks like and how it sounds! Enjoy!

Also Sprach and BWBQ Theme Song

An ensemble of bassoons (include a contrabassoon as scene on the left) play Also Sprach Zarathustra by Strauss and their very own theme song. Check it out!

Disney Princess Party

The Breaking Winds Bassoon Quartet shows off how they can make playing the Bassoon fun and exciting to watch. Not to mention how AMAZING they sound! Hope you enjoy!