Lab statement & Research

Our overarching goals are: 

 ~ Current Projects~

Predicting the future: recolonizing large carnivores in Missouri

Long term collaboration with the Missouri Department of Conservation involving  distribution & conflict patterns of recolonizing cougars and black bears.

Bear necessities: the return of black bears to Ohio

New collaboration with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources investigating the growing but small population of black bears in the state, focusing on movement, distribution, and conflict prediction. 

Green energy, new neighbours: Solar energy and mammals

Partnership with the Hanley Sustainability Institute and local solar installations investigating which and how wildlife species (land and bats) utilize solar farms for resources.

Wildlife responses to human recreation and hiking trails 

This partnership with Five Rivers Metroparks aims to quantify the impact of hiking trails on mammal occurrence and activity patterns.

Beaver recolonization of Glen Helen Reserve

Monitoring of a recently established beaver colony, including a new dam and beaver pond, in central Ohio, including tree choice and species colonizing the new wetland.

Jaguar conservation in Argentina

Long-term partnership with a local non-profit to inform conservation initiatives for critically endangered jaguars in Argentina.

Research is not done in isolation, and our projects could not be possible without the valuable work and assistance of our colleagues and collaborators, including: