lab members

 Principal Investigator

Mariela Gantchoff, PhD

I am a wildlife ecologist and conservation scientist. My research often bridges theoretical and applied ecology, focusing on terrestrial vertebrate species. I often investigate ways to integrate field data (demography, occurrence, and movement) and/or remote sensing to assist conservation and management efforts. In addition, I often research human-wildlife interactions, species distributions, landscape connectivity, population dynamics, carnivore ecology and behavior, applied conservation science, and citizen/community science. 

 Graduate Students

Kara Gregory (Jan 2023-present)

Kara is a MS research assistant currently focused on the ecology of recolonizing large carnivores in Missouri, specifically American black bears and cougars. Kara got a BS in Biology from Southwestern College in Kansas. She has experience doing ecological research in fisheries and large mammals, as well as outreach initiatives at Thunderbird State Park Nature Center. Her interests include conservation science, terrestrial vertebrate ecology, and human-wildlife interactions. 

Connor Kurz (June 2024-present)

Connor is a MS research assistant currently focused on the interactions between solar energy installations and mammalian wildlife (using camera traps and bat recorders) in the Great Miami Valley area, Ohio. Connor got a BS in Biology from the University of Montana. He has experience doing a large variety of field ecological research related to wildlife, including bears, otters, and other predator species. His interests include conservation science, wildlife management, and applied ecological research.

 Undergraduate Students - Research

Ella Divish

Ella is an Environmental Biology major at UD. Ella's research is currently focusing on the interactions between mammals and recreational activities at Five Rivers Metroparks. During summer 2023, Ella was in Missouri as a black bear project technician. Her interests include conservation, human impacts, mammal studies, ecology, and sustainability. 

Dustin Holmes

Dustin is an Environmental Biology major with a minor in Media Production at UD. Dustin's research is currently focusing on the biodiversity impacts and tree choice of a new beaver colony at Glen Helen Nature Reserve, Ohio. Dustin hopes to pursue a career in science communication working with television and social media to spread awareness about wildlife conservation.  Outside of the lab he holds leadership roles in the Pride of Dayton marching band and his fraternity, Phi Mu Alpha.

Trevor Martin

Trevor is an Environmental Biology major, with research currently focusing on the interactions between mammals and recreational activities at Five Rivers Metroparks. Trevor spent the summer of 2023 as an intern for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and is actively involved in the TriBeta Biological Honor Society and River Steward program at UD. Years of hands-on trapping experience have cultivated an interest in studying conservation, population dynamics, and spatial ecology. 

Undergrad student - Animal Care Intern

Victoria  Scachitti 

Victoria is an Environmental Biology major at UD. She is currently a animal husbandry intern, working on improving the habitats and health of the animals in the UD Teaching Biology Labs, including aquatic turtles such as a map turtle and four red-ear slider turtles. Victoria hopes to peruse a career in the field of herpetology and continue to provide care for captive wild animals. Her interest include reptiles, sustainability, and conservation. 

Previous undergraduate student members

Nichole Dunham

Olivia Gundelfinger