Additional Resources

Blue Ridge Adventure Medicine is a nonprofit organization offering certification courses in WFA, BLS, AWLS, and SWR in the Southeastern US.

The VTC Wilderness Medicine Fellowship and Blue Ridge Adventure Medicine also host the annual spring Southeastern Student Wilderness Medicine Conference.

The Wilderness Medical Society is a fantastic resource for educational opportunities for all things Wilderness Medicine. We highly recommend pursuing the FAWM certification. If you are interested in more rigorous, advanced field training, we also recommend the DiMM and DiDMM certifications.

The bi-annual WMS conferences are a great learning and networking opportunity, whether you attend in person or virtually. If you are a member of the WMS, and are currently a resident physician or student in a healthcare field, apply for the Conference Scholarship. The application can be found on the 'Conference Scholarship" tab of each WMS conference. Those selected, will receive a significantly reduced conference registration fee.