3-6 Activities
Social Emotional Learning From Home
Day 1
We all have mental health and we have to take care of our mental health in the same way we take care of our physical health. What are some ways you can take care of your mental health? We call this self-care. Choose one of the self-care strategies to practice now. Feel free to send me a message on Remind or email and share your favorite self-care strategy.
Sports or Exercise
Play with a Pet
Listing to Uplifting Music
Talking to a trusted grown-up
Any Many Many More!
Day 2
Think: What emotions are you feeling right now?
How can you measure your emotions?
Do emotions change or stay the same?
There are no good or bad emotions? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Activity: Draw your own Emotion Intensity Chart and measure your emotions throughout the day. Feel free to send me a message on Remind or email and share your Emotion Intensity Chart.
Day 3
Think: Have you ever gotten so mad that you turned a small problem into a big problem?
Have you felt sad or embarrassed after having a big reaction to a small problem?
What does it mean to flip your lid?
What can you do if you are about to flip your lid?
Activity: Write about a time you "flipped your lid?" What happened? What could you have done differently to stay calm? Share your story with me by messaging me on Remind or emailing me!
Day 4
Think: What are some worries Wilma Jean has? Can you relate to any of her worries?
What happens to Wilma Jean when she worries?
What did Wilma Jean's teachers do to help her with her worries?
Why is sorting our worries, like Wilma Jean's teacher did, helpful?
Activity: Make a list of your worries and sort them like Wilma Jean did in the story. Feel free to snap a picture of your sorted worries and share it with me on Remind or emailing me.