10-Second Rule Game

Students need to think on their feet and come up with 3 items that match the topic in, you guessed it, 10 seconds flat! 

This is a thrilling game where you answer questions given by the questioner within a limited time of 10 seconds.

Example 1:

Teacher: Please name 3 favorite snacks!
Teacher: Ready, go! (and start counting to 10)
Student: Donut
Student: Chocolate
Student: Candy
Teacher: Wow! That's a great answer, great job!

The above is a simple one, but if you want to play at a higher level of difficulty:

Example 2:

Teacher: Please name 3 things that you do after waking up in the morning!
Teacher: Ready, set, go! (and start counting to 10)
Student: Wash my face
Student: Change my clothes
Student: Get ready for school
Teacher: Wow! That was difficult, but you did a great job!

Depending on the child's age, English ability, personality, etc., the 10-second time limit may have a negative effect. If the parent feels that the child would enjoy the game more with a longer time limit or no time limit at all, then the 10-second limit can be increased to 15 seconds, or there can be no time limit at all.

Please name 3 colors!

Please name 3 animals that live in the ocean!

Please name 3 fruits!

Please name 3 things you can do on a rainy day!

Please name 3 countries!

Please name 3 types of transportation!

Please name 3 vegetables!

Please name 3 items you can find in a kitchen!

Please name 3 things that are cold!

Please name 3 things you can see in the sky!

Please name 3 hobbies!

Please name 3 things you do before going to bed!

Please name 3 sports!

Please name 3 types of weather!

Please name 3 things you take to school!

Please name 3 kinds of flowers!

Please name 3 things you can draw with!

Please name 3 musical instruments!

Please name 3 things you wear in winter!

Please name 3 things you read!