Zerida, Apex Queen

-Written by S2

Don't look into her eyes, they'll full of lies. She's not as cuddly as you think, she's a literal sword. That's right, she is a literal fucking sword. Apparently swords can morph into a human with fully functioning organs. JRPG logic, I know, anyways.

For those who plays or heard about PvP, they probably heard horror stories about facing against a Zerida, and it's all true. Zerida is a tyrant in Apex Arena and she's one of the most first picked, and first banned unit.

There are two primary ways of playing her, using her with an Ullr's Bow and an Extreme Magic Bow.

Before I explain her capabilities with the weapons, I'll explain what these bows do. Ullr's Bow grants +107 ATK and +43 Skill, with the talent effect being "Physical Damage decreases by 10%. Unit range increased by 1." While this bow doesn't look good on paper, her entire kit is changed to fit into her play style. Extreme Magic Bow also has +107 ATK and +43 Skill, but with the talent effect being "Unit's damage is not reduced in melee battles."

We have to explain why Extreme Magic Bow and Ullr's Bow both are amazing options to have. Extreme Magic Bow, if in range, has the option to melee against a range unit, and use a range attack against a melee. Ullr's Bow increases Zerida's range by 3, in other words: she is able to hit any target without taking a single point of damage.

Let's talk about her talent now.

Zerida's talent is one of the most broken one there is. Like many good Apex units, she isn't viable to use until you 6 star her. The jump between 3-5 stars to 6 is a complete difference in winning or losing.

At 6 stars, she has an innate crit bonus of 20%, but when she ends her turn outside of the danger zone, she enters Stealth in which she gets 30 crit % and 30% crit damage, on top of that, decreases all incoming damage by 30% and gains +4 mobility. Holy guacamole. I think the talent speaks for itself.

Okay, I've finally 6 starred her, what are my options in terms of her equipment?

I'll save the Extreme Magic Bow talk after I talk about Ullr's Bow.

Yes, equipping her with an Ullr's Bow decreases her total damage by 10%. On top of that, your troop choice for Zerida has to be Catapults, which also decreases her total damage by 10% and increases her range by 1.

Okay, so you're down 20% in total damage, I'm not able to use any active skills when I want to take advantage of the increased range.

If I tell you that Zerida Ullr's + Catapults can 1 hit KO a Leon with Angels from 100 to 0, you probably won't believe me, but it's true.

What is my skill set when I bring Ullr's Bow and Catapults?

Meteor Buff, Backstab and Slystride. No questions.

Meteor buff heals Zerida and grants +15% additional damage when no allies are adjacent to her.

Back stab deals 2x Atk as fixed damage when the opponent is at 100% when attacking.

Slystride gives 10% crit but you really want it for the 3 grid after a kill.

Extreme Magic Bow is a bit straight forward. It has tons of fire power.