Awakening Skill: Eye of the Storm
Cost: 3 / CD: 5 / Range: 1 / Span: Single
[Physical Damage] Attacks a single enemy, dealing 1.3x damage. Before battle, dispel 2 buffs from the target, and after battle, inflict "Cannot be buffed" and "Passive skills disabled". Lasts 2 turns. Cannot be dispelled. When successfully defeating any enemy, CD-3 for this skill. If this unit is not [Demoralized], then for every point of movement granted by [Wandering Princess] Damage +5% and dispel 1 buff after battle for this skill. (Up to 20% damage and dispelling 4 buffs)
Classes & Soldiers
Hawk Knight
Wind Whisper Cost: 2 / CD: 2 / Range: Self / Span: 1
[Physical Damage] Deals 0.3x damage to enemies one block. A random debuff* is applied to each target.
*ATK/INT -15%, DEF -15%, MDEF -20%, Damage dealt -15%, damage taken -15%.
First Aid Cost: 1 / CD: 3 / Range: Self / Span: Single
[Heal] Restore 100% HP.
Dragon Knight
Ride the Wind Cost: 1
[Passive] Before attacking, increase damage by 5% for each block moved (Up to 25%).
Roar Cost: 2 / CD: 2 / Range: 1 / Span: Single
[Physical Damage] Attacks a single enemy, dealing 1.3x damage. Before battle, dispels 2 buffs from the enemy and inflict ATK/INT-20% for 1 turn.
Blast Cost: 1
[Passive] When attacking, if Unit HP>80%, damage taken-30%.
Dragon Master
Crush Cost: 1
[Passive] When HP% is higher than the enemy, ATK+12% before entering battle.
Lightning Flash Cost: 2 / CD: 4 / Range: 1 / Span: Single
[Physical Damage] Attacks a single enemy, dealing 1.6x damage. If the enemy is defeated, reduce skill cooldown by 3. Otherwise, unit can act again but gains the effect Low Morale: “Damage Dealt -50%”. Lasts 1 turn.
Adversity Cost: 1
[Passive] When unit HP<70%, ATK/DEF+10%.
Skill Command Cost: 2
[Command] SKL+20% for all allies within 3 spaces.
Heart Bond
Level 4
Dragon Master: When attacked by a melee attack, physical damage taken is decreased by 10%
Duelist: When attacked by a ranged attack, physical damage taken is decreased by 10%
Level 7
Dragon Master: When unit HP is below 70%, damage dealt after entering battle is increased by 10%
Duelist: When attacked and entering battle, damage dealt increased by 10%
Level 10
+5% All Hero's Stats
Hero Info
Height/Weight: 162cm/43kg
Measurements: 81/50/79
Appearances: Langrisser V
Allegiance: Kingdom of Kalxath
A Hero's Legacy - 1
Princess of Kalxath. She came to the continent of Yeless in order to pursue her father's killers. There she met Sigma and his friends, and decided to join them. After Sigma and his team went forth to the continent of El Sallia, Clarett discovered that Kalxath was controlled by aristocrats. After staging a resistance, Clarett regained Kalxath gave up the throne, handing the power of the kingdom to the people. "Ha-ha! Witness the power of a princess!"
A Hero's Legacy - 2
Naive and energetic, the happy-go-lucky Clarett grew up in El Sallia as the Princess of Kalxath. However, one day, her father King Kalxath was assassinated. The killer was the Captain of the Guard, Werner. Clarett, resolving to exact vengeance, tracked him down to the continent of El Sallia where she personally killed him. Having taken her vengeance, Claret encountered Werner's long-time companion, Sigma, during her adventures. After the turmoil in the Alfred family following the murder, Clarett decided to wipe state clean, and she and Sigma teamed up.
A Hero's Legacy - 3
In the adventures that followed, Clarett returned to the continent of El Sallia with Sigma, however they discovered that the kingdom had been taken control of by the aristocracy. Desperate to restore the kingdom, Clarett initially lacked the support of her companion. However, she thereafter resolved to relinquish her right to rule, handing her power to the people. following this act, the aristocrats and the people began to acknowledge her, and she herself underwent a transformation from a naive princess to a patriotic and beloved leader. Finally, with the help of Sigma, she defeated Gilmore and took back Kalxath. "Even if I'm not acknowledge and am misunderstood... I still believe that optimism and laughter can allow me to face any obstacle, and make incredible things happen!"
A Hero's Legacy - 4
Following this, Clarett returned to El Sallia. After formally handing over power, she wandered the continent as a ranger. It's said that she later came to the continent of Yeless, where new legends were written of her...
A Hero's Legacy - 5
The summoned Clarett is still just as energetic, daring. and bold. Her bright actions and imaginations as a Pegasus Rider always bring unexpected surprise to everyone. "Heya! The brave Princess Clarett is gonna show her talents in a new world!"