Forbidden Battleground Run 3

First Battlefield

General Notes (Level 70)

  • Player starts at the bottom of the map

  • All enemies start on the north end of the map spread throughout the graveyard

  • Enemies are: 1 Mist Dancer, 1 Lava Titan, 1 Archdemon, 2 Undead Knights, 1 Bishop, 2 Spider Demons

    • Mist Dancer has Cold Blood, ATK Break, and a Maneuver-style move

    • Lava Titan has passive guard within 3 blocks, Solidarity, and Barb

    • Archdemon has Strong Arm and 2 passives

      • Passive 1 reduces damage by 50% when above 90% HP

      • Passive 2 inflicts 2 debuffs on units that attack it

    • Undead Knight has Assault, Mind's Eye, and a passive that gives a buff to the unit causing it to be untargetable by normal attacks and skills, as well as allow for passing through units. The buff wears off if the Undead Knight takes any damage.

    • Bishop has Mass Heal, Regrowth, and Light Blessing (prevents debuffs within 3 blocks and cleanse 2 debuffs each turn)

    • Spider Demons have Black Hole, Decay, and a passive that creates a terrain effects on anywhere they use a skill

      • The terrain causes movement -1, cannot guard, and 0.5x INT fixed damage

  • Initially, the Mist Dancer, Lava Titan, Archdemon, and Bishops will be aggressive. The rest become aggressive on Turn 2.


  • Clear level 60 with all Yeless Legends: 100 Red Ore

  • Clear level 70 with all Yeless Legends: 30 Trinity Crystals, 4 SSR Enchant Scroll Pack

  • Clear level 60 with all Mythical Realm: 5 Bursting Heart Key

  • Clear level 70 with all Mythical Realm: 30 Trinity Crystals, 5 Runestone shards

  • Clear level 70 with no deaths: 50k Gold, 2 SSR Mastery Stone Packs

Second Battlefield

General Notes (Level 70)

  • Player starts near the center of the map, above the middle mountain range

  • A cuttlefish spawns left of the party, with Tentacle, Tidal Surge, and inflicts Movement-2/Buff Block within 2 blocks when it dies

  • Top right of the map has an Orc and Succubus

    • The Orc has a stacking ATK/DEF/MDEF/Movement buff after ending turn, up to 3 times

    • Orc also has Bloodbath, and an improved Shield Bash move (1.2x damage)

    • The Succubus has Reaper Touch, Decay, and Wait, which increases unit range by 3 if it has not attacked

  • Bottom right of the map has an Orc and Gargoyle

    • Orc is same as above

    • Gargoyle has ATK Intimidate, Sun Shade, and will give Heal Block to 2 random player units each turn

  • Bottom left of the map has a Skeleton Knight, Catapult, and Bishop

    • Skeleton Knight has Roar, Solidarity, and a passive that gives 80% damage reduction to all the enemies after he is attacked

    • Catapult has improved Hegemony (dispels 3 buffs, -20% DEF), Snare, and Wait (range+3 if it has not attacked)

    • Bishop has Mass Heal, Regrowth, and Light Blessing (prevents debuffs within 3 blocks and cleanse 2 debuffs each turn)

  • The bottom left group does not aggro at the start of the map


  • Clear level 60 with all Protagonists: 100 Red Ore

  • Clear level 70 with all Protagonists: 30 Trinity Crystals, 4 SSR Enchant Scroll Pack

  • Clear level 60 with all Origins of Light: 5 Bursting Heart Key

  • Clear level 70 with all Origins of Light: 30 Trinity Crystals, 5 Runestone shards

  • Clear level 70 with no deaths: 50k Gold, 2 SSR Mastery Stone Packs

Third Battlefield

General Notes (Level 70)

  • Player starts near the center of the map, above the center mountain range

  • Enemy group to the right of start point has a Gargoyle, Lancer General, Shika Warrior, and Undead Knight

    • Gargoyle has ATK Intimidate, Sun Shade, and will give Heal Block to 2 random player units each turn

    • Lancer General has Lance Phalanx, DEF Command, and has a mobility-2/guard prevention aura within 2 blocks

    • Shika Warrior has Sun Slash, and 2 passives

      • Passive 1 increases stats by 5% for every player unit within 2 rings, up to 35%

      • Passive 2 reduces ranged damage by 50% and allows for ranged counter regardless of range

    • Undead Knight has Assault, Mind's Eye, and a passive that gives a buff to the unit causing it to be untargetable by normal attacks and skills, as well as allow for passing through units. The buff wears off if the Undead Knight takes any damage.

  • Enemy group above start point has a Bishop and Cavalry General

    • Bishop has Mass Heal, Regrowth, and Light Blessing (prevents debuffs within 3 blocks and cleanse 2 debuffs each turn)

    • Cavalry General has Smash, Blast, and a passive that gives Movement+2 for 2 turns to units within 3 blocks after taking action

  • Enemy group in the bottom left has a Minotaur and Sorceress

    • Minotaur has Rout, ATK Command, and a passive that gives +3 move if it did not attack this turn

    • Sorceress has Aim, Dark Reaper, and a passive that places a debuff on player units within 2 blocks causing them to take 2x INT fixed damage after taking action. This can be stacked and cannot be dispelled or immunized against.


  • Clear level 60 with all Legion of Glory: 100 Red Ore

  • Clear level 70 with all Legion of Glory: 30 Trinity Crystals, 4 SSR Enchant Scroll Pack

  • Clear level 60 with all Empire's Honor: 5 Bursting Heart Key

  • Clear level 70 with all Empire's Honor: 30 Trinity Crystals, 5 Runestone shards

  • Clear level 70 with no deaths: 50k Gold, 2 SSR Mastery Stone Packs

Fourth Battlefield

General Notes (Level 70)

  • Player starts in the bottom left, next to the river

  • Across the river to the right are a Cuttlefish and Dragon Knight

    • The Cuttlefish has Tentacle, Tidal Surge, and inflicts Movement-2/Buff Block within 2 blocks when it dies

    • Dragon Knight has MDEF Command, Wind Pressure, and a passive that gives movement +3 if it has not attacked

  • On the bridge are a Lobster, 2 Bone Dinos, and Cavalry General

    • Lobster has Hegemony, Master of Ice, and a guard skill that can restore HP to party similar to Jugler, as well as Divine Guard style conversion

    • Bone Dino has Ninjutsu, Strike, and a move similar to Leon 3C (1.5x damage and 0.3x AoE)

    • Cavalry General has Smash, Blast, and a passive that gives Movement+2 for 2 turns to units within 3 blocks after taking action

  • To the north of the start are a Bishop and Shika Mage

    • Bishop has Mass Heal, Regrowth, and Light Blessing (prevents debuffs within 3 blocks and cleanse 2 debuffs each turn)

    • Shika Mage has Fireball, Reinforcements, and Spatial Strike (Black Hole size AoE that shuffles player positions). He is also using Bolt Ranger troops.


  • Clear level 60 with all Strategic Masters: 100 Red Ore

  • Clear level 70 with all Strategic Masters: 30 Trinity Crystals, 4 SSR Enchant Scroll Pack

  • Clear level 60 with all Princess Alliance: 5 Bursting Heart Key

  • Clear level 70 with all Princess Alliance: 30 Trinity Crystals, 5 Runestone shards

  • Clear level 70 with no deaths: 50k Gold, 2 SSR Mastery Stone Packs

Item Trade