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The Project Team

Carol Hanley - Team Leader, Principal Investigator

Dr. Carol Hanley has worked as a science educator for 35 years. She taught high school biology and chemistry, worked at the Kentucky Department of Education, and has been at the University of Kentucky (UK) since 2001. She travels to India and Nepal each year to teach science to teachers and students.

Rebecca Freeman - Team Member, Co-Principal Investigator & Pedagogical Lead

Dr. Rebecca Freeman grew up on a farm in western Kentucky, collecting rocks, playing in the creek, and going on family excursions to Land Between the Lakes located in her area of the state. After many years elsewhere, she returned to Kentucky to teach at the University of Kentucky. She cares deeply about the future of Kentucky and her fellow Kentuckians, and is excited to learn more about east India and its future.

Alan Fryar - Team Member, Co-Principal Investigator & Technical Expert

Alan Fryar grew up in north Florida as the son of science teachers. He swam in springs and decided on hydrogeology as a career during a high-school summer research program at the University of Florida. He has taught at the University of Kentucky since 1995 and loves the opportunity to travel and share information about water.

Abhijit Mukherjee - Team Member, Technical Expert

Abhijit is a city boy, growing up in crowded southern parts of Kolkata in India at the bank of the old channel of the Ganges River. He went to schools in Kolkata learning geology and computers, before he traveled to University of Kentucky to learn about hydrogeology from Alan Fryar. Subsequently, Alan and Abhijit had a lot of fun wading in the muddy waters of creeks in western Kentucky to paddy fields and groundwater wells of India. After spending quite a while in US and Canada, Abhijit returned back to his home state of West Bengal, and now he teaches the science of water to students ranging from beginners to researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur. Abhijit travels extensively, exploring water and antiquity.

Amanda Sherman - Team Member, Research Assistant & Website Administrator

Ms. Amanda Sherman is a born and raised Army Brat, who grew-up living in Europe and Asia. Currently, she lives in Kentucky with her wonderful husband, Jason, and their two cats, Mia & Ferrous. She is a graduate student at the University of Kentucky pursuing a degree in Geology (MS) and Chemistry (BA). Previously, she earned a Bachelor's in German and Marine Science from Eckerd College, taught high school science, worked as an environmental consultant, and was a biological/physical scientist for the U.S. Army. Amanda is excited to be part of this project and cannot wait to learn more about Water in India and Kentucky!

Esther Edwards - Team Member, Administrative Support

Esther Edwards has been working in administrative positions at UK for 38 years and in science outreach for seven of them. She knows everyone at UK and how to solve every problem. She has worked with most school districts across the state on payroll, transportation, field trip and equipment issues. We are lucky to have Esther on our team because it means that everything will go smoothly.