
St. Mary's High School

Students visited, photographed, and collected water samples at five sites of the Deepar Beel: 1) a southern site with a beautiful picnic spot, 2) a garbage dumping site; 3) the inlet at Mora Bhorolu, 4) the outlet at Khana Mukh, and 5) and Dharapur, the northern site. The water samples were brought back to school where they were analyzed for pH, bacteria, nitrate, chloride, residual chlorine, fluoride, turbidity, total hardness, and iron. What an amazing trip!

Visiting the Deepar Beel inlet site at Mora Bhorolu.

The Deepar Beel picnic and garbage dumping sites.

Analyzing collected water samples.

DAV Model School at IIT Kharagpur

Aboard buses and on foot students documented their outings to learn about the cultural and scientific significance of the River Kangsabati. They also collected their first water samples!

Cultural Significance.pdf

Enjoy the video and view the presentations to learn more about the Cultural (left ) and Scientific (right) aspects of the River Kangsabati.

Scientific Significance.pdf

DuPont Manual High School

Aboard The Sacajawea and The Sargeant Floyd, students canoed on Beargrass Creek for water quality testing and to learn about the historic impact of that site on Louisville, KY.