ASSET 2024 Conference:

Enhancing Learning Experiences: The Power of Video Studios in Secondary Education 

If you have a Video Studio or are thinking about establishing a Video Studio in your school, this presentation will address the curricular and inter-curricular possibilities of using that resource. Example activities will be shown as well as the practical aspects of operating a studio. For those considering the creation of a Video Studio, a discussion of initial decisions that must take place to ensure success in your venture. 

Studio Basics

Studio View

Don't be afraid of Equipment

Basic Studio Systems 

Director's Video

Owen Marks

Content Performance

Jake Guttman

Caitlyn Salus

Curricular Strategies

Lions News Live

Video Production & Public Speaking Classes

Lions News Podcast

English -Poetry

English - Public Speaking

American Sign Language

Business Education

English - Voice Over

ENL - Holidays

ENL- Providing a Voice

War in Ukraine

Connecting with the Community 

You Should Know

Digital Course Catalogue

9th Grade Orientation Video

District Compilation


Graduation 2023

School Activities

College Fair

Annual Duck Race

Spring Concert

Production Segments

Santa coming to Town

Trip Promo

Giving Tree

Halloween Jokes

Game Show

St. Pat's Day Ending