I am a Linux user of "intermediate" experience. I use Arch (i686) with XFCE on a moderately old Acer Aspire 2920Z laptop -- and I was trying to get an analog clock on the screen without "cairo dock" (which I hate -- all I want from it is a clock, anyway).

Puppy Linux uses "xonclock" which is nice AND in the AUR -- but it no longer compiles due to a "freetype" version dependency issue. Xonclock is no longer being developed, so it likely won't ever work again.

Widget Analog Clock Free Download

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Two things did work however and one surprised me: Cairo-clock (which is in the community repositories) and the Opera Widget "Analog Clock" (advertised as "Simple Analog Clock" or something close to that -- it's their most popular analog clock widget).

I ran TOP under identical conditions, once using cairo-clock and once using the Opera widget. I did it several times to be sure. I saved the output as text and compared them in Meld -- here's a link to my screenshot of THAT: As you can see, cairo-clock uses three times the CPU resources -- though somewhat less memory.

It took me a while to figure out that you use the "Always underneath" option in the Opera widget to keep it from having a window button in the panel -- but now, I seem to have a happy ending to this little Linux story (except that I hate Opera as a browser).

Last year I went through a similar search for a good simple low-resource using analog clock. I eventually went with xclock - once I did a complete overhall in .Xdefaults to get it to look half decent. But I also learned, while experimenting with cairo-clock, that changing the update interval has a massive impact on its resource use. I threw cairo-clock away sever times as I couldn't believe when I started it up it used (and continued to use) around 15% of my CPU and a large hunk of memory. But by changing the refresh interval to something more reasonable, I got the resource use down to be comparable with many other clocks.

Someone recently posted an Idea for the development of a clock widget for Dashboards. As neat as that would be, I couldn't help wondering, "could we make our own using the tools already available?"

If you implemented your clock with these expressions, though, you'd see your hour hand make a drastic jump when the hour changes, and that's just now how clocks work! We should see the hour hand gradually increment towards the next hour.

What about minutes? Don't they partially increment, too? I suppose they do. I don't know that anyone's going to be watching my clock widget that closely, but supposing they were, I want to reward their attention to detail with some details.

Also, for the sake of being thorough: in the span of a single hour on the clock (30 degrees), each second accounts for an additional... 0.008333 degrees? Best leave this one as a fraction. It's 1/120 of a degree.

For an analog clock, we don't really need to worry about AM vs PM. An hour value of 14 (2:00 PM) gives us a rotation of 420 degrees, which is equivalent to a rotation of 60 degrees as far as the circle of the clock is concerned.

This is all well and good, but it's just a FeatureSet right now, and a far cry from a nice analog clock. How do we turn this into something visual? I had initially tried to misuse an existing widget, like a circular progress meter or a pie chart. Ultimately, these did not work well enough to pass as a standard clock, but did make for interesting widgets.

Our single requirement is that we be able to access the HTML source editing and be able to pipe in attributes, which pretty much just leaves us with the List widget. Nothing else gives us both.

I started this just to see if I could do it, and if the end result could actually look nice in addition to being functional. I'm pretty pleased with it. But maybe you don't want a clock in your dashboard, so why bother?

The built in AnalogClock widget was deprecated. The minimum interval for a JobScheduler is 15 minutes, and may not run at all on some devices that have OEM background restrictions. A foreground service seems like the only option.

So I got impatient and decompiled the app. They still use AnalogClock and it seems to work and self update, even though it is deprecated since API 23 and Google has stated "This widget is no longer supported." in the docs. The custom faces and hands are drawables set on the AnalogClock. There are no ImageViews involved (at least for what I saw)

The AnalogClock class provides a clock widget with hour and minute hands that is automatically updated every few seconds. We subclass QWidget and reimplement the standard paintEvent() function to draw the clock face:

When the widget is constructed, we set up a one-second timer to keep track of the current time, and we connect it to the standard update() slot so that the clock face is updated when the timer emits the timeout() signal.

The paintEvent() function is called whenever the widget's contents need to be updated. This happens when the widget is first shown, and when it is covered then exposed, but it is also executed when the widget's update() slot is called. Since we connected the timer's timeout() signal to this slot, it will be called at least once every five seconds.

Before we set up the painter and draw the clock, we first define two lists of QPoints and two QColors that will be used for the hour and minute hands. The minute hand's color has an alpha component of 191, meaning that it's 75% opaque.

The contents of custom widgets are drawn with a QPainter. Painters can be used to draw on any QPaintDevice, but they are usually used with widgets, so we pass the widget instance to the painter's constructor.

The translation moves the origin to the center of the widget, and the scale operation ensures that the following drawing operations are scaled to fit within the widget. We use a scale factor that let's us use x and y coordinates between -100 and 100, and that ensures that these lie within the length of the widget's shortest side.

The painter takes care of all the transformations made during the paint event, and ensures that everything is drawn correctly. Letting the painter handle transformations is often easier than performing manual calculations just to draw the contents of a custom widget.

We draw the hour hand first, using a formula that rotates the coordinate system counterclockwise by a number of degrees determined by the current hour and minute. This means that the hand will be shown rotated clockwise by the required amount.

You can't make the widget change from analogue to digital, but you can replace the analogue one from a digital one. Hold your finger on the clock widget and drag it to the delete icon to remove it. Then, to add a digital clock widget, go to the app drawer and click Widgets, and find Digital clock in the list. Hold your finger on the digital clock to pick it up, and drag it where you like on the home screen.

An Analog Clock is a widget that enables the display of a classic analog watch, as opposed to the DigitalClock which displays time with text. The clock uses a background image as the clock face. The hour, minute and second hands are each using an image and rotate around a configurable center.

To update the time displayed by the clock, one of the following functions can be used.

setTime24Hour(uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second)

setTime12Hour(uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second, bool am)

I'm trying to implement an analog clock in TouchGFX. I've referred the example project. I couldn't understand how to setup rotationCentreX, rotationCentreY value. I couldn't see the clock handle in screen.

Analogue Clock will be a widget in the upcoming TouchGF 4.11.0 designer. For now, we just added an example that uses the widget as it is defined in code in the framework which is why you can't see the clock and hands on the Designer canvas.

When I flash the example code, the code works perfectly and the clock needle moves. When I tried to changing the value from 4,79 to 0,0. The clock needle didn't move to top left. Did I miss something??

Hi all, I'm using the new macOS Big Sur. But the clock widget shows the wrong time, which is three hours earlier than the true time. And there's a -3 on the clock widget. Is there any way to fix that?

i can see your clock says CUP and -3. that means your clock widget is set to pacific time zone. (cupertino CA). and by your menubar and username you are in the eastern time zone. (rochester NY maybe?) all you need to do is "control+click" on the clock widget and choose "Edit Clock".

Original analog clock for display the current time. The clock can be used as application, Live Wallpaper and widget for the Home screen. The clock displays also the current date, day of the week, month and battery charge. 

The clock can speak the current time by double tap or periodically, for example by one hour. 

There is very comfy visual control of settings of clock appearance: as you see as you get.

The clock can be resized for Live Wallpaper. You can set any position on the Home screen, for example on the left right corner.

The clock widget can be resized too by long touch on it. You can set up a tap action for the widget: open this application or the inbuilt alarm clock. Hint: you can set several widgets on the Home screen.

All settings for widgets are common. You can show or hide second hand for widgets separately to little save battery charge. So at any time you can easily change settings for all widgets on the Home screen.

Additional features of the analog clock.

* Set light or dark style of the dial;

* Select a font for the dial: serif, sans serif, bold, monotype etc.;

* There is additional information on the dial: the day of the week, date, month and battery charge. You can hide any information or move it to any of fixed positions;

* The month and day of the week will be displayed by a language set by global settings, so, the clock is universal;

* Show the second hand;

* Select background color and secondary color for the second hand and text on the dial;

* Select an image for background;

* Use gray color for display text instead secondary color;

* Show digital clock. The clock supports 12/24 time format according to global settings;

* There is an option "hide the second hand for 3 seconds by double tap". This is useful to comfortable read of additional information on the dial, for example, a month;

* You can set size of the clock and set any position of the Home screen for Live Wallpaper;

* The clock can speak the current time by voice by double tap or periodically by: 1, 5, 15, 30 or 60 minutes. Widget can speak the current time by tap;

* Attention, use one tap for widget instead double tap for all actions;

* There are special settings for the widget of the Home screen. You can show on the second hand but It will require slightly more battery charge. Set an action by tap on a widget: open this application, open the built-in alarm clock or do nothing;

* Keep screen on for application. 2351a5e196

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