Invited Talks

Invited speakers will give technical talks about their research in computer vision.

Title: A fine(r)-grained perspective onto object interactions

Abstract: This talk argues for a fine(r)-grained perspective onto human-object interactions, from video sequences. This includes disentangling the ‘act’ from the ‘object’, incorporating audio, assessing skill/expertise exhibited in an interaction, and verifying whether the interaction is performed in a manner specified by a given instruction. I will also introduce EPIC-KITCHENS-100, the largest egocentric dataset in people’s homes.

Bio: Reader (Associate Professor) in Computer Vision at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom. Received her PhD from the University of Leeds, UK (2009). Dima is currently an EPSRC Fellow (2020-2025), focusing on her research interests in the automatic understanding of object interactions, actions and activities using static and wearable visual (and depth) sensors.

Title: The Storytellers

Abstract: There are a number of women in computing who have shaped my career, some of whom I’ve worked with directly, some of whom I’ve only met, many more of whom I know of because of the work they left behind. In this talk, I’ll share some of those stories: Sue Black, Adele Goldberg, Lynn Conway, Fran Allen, Grace Hopper, Mar Hicks, Angie Jones, and many others. Along the way, I’ll tell the broad story of computing and how, in many way, it owes its foundations to these women and its future to you.

Bio: Grady Booch is Chief Scientist for Software Engineering at IBM Research where he leads IBM’s research and development for embodied cognition. Grady was also a trustee for the Computer History Museum. He is an IBM Fellow, an ACM and IEEE Fellow, has been awarded the Lovelace Medal and has given the Turing Lecture for the BCS, and was recently named an IEEE Computer Pioneer.

Sanja is an Assistant Professor at University of Toronto, and a Director of AI at NVIDIA, leading a research lab in Toronto. Prior coming to Toronto, in 2012/2013, she was a Research Assistant Professor at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, an academic institute located in the campus of University of Chicago. She did her postdoc with Prof. Sven Dickinson at University of Toronto in 2011/2012. She finished her PhD in 2010 at University of Ljubljana in Slovenia in the group of Prof. Ales Leonardis. In 2010, she was visiting Prof. Trevor Darrell's group at UC Berkeley and ICSI. Sanja got her BSc degree in Applied Math at University of Ljubljana.