Women in Computer Vision workshop

June 18th , 2024

in conjunction with CVPR 2024

(WiCV 2024 will be an in-person event)


Computer vision has become one of the largest computer science research communities. We have made tremendous progress in recent years over a wide range of areas, including object recognition, image understanding, generative AI, video analysis, 3D reconstruction, etc. 

However, despite the expansion of our field, the percentage of female faculty members and researchers both in academia and in industry is still relatively low. As a result, many female researchers working in computer vision may feel isolated and do not have a lot of opportunities to meet with other women. 

The goals of this workshop are to:

The half-day workshop on Women in Computer Vision is a gathering for both women and men working in computer vision. Researchers at all levels who are interested in computer vision are welcome and encouraged to attend the workshop. Travel grants will be offered to selected female presenters of oral and poster sessions. 


NEW!! Are you a computer vision researcher attending CVPR 2024 and identifying yourself as a woman? Sign up to join our mentorship program and networking dinner this year. Click on the links for Mentors and Mentees.