A community for inclusion, visibility and mentorship. Let's bridge the gender gap!


We believe that women are facing obstacles in STEM careers even in this day and age. There have been huge strides in empowerment but we still have a lot of ground to cover.

'Lean In' by Sheryl Sandberg is often cited as the Holy Grail of female participation in tech and quite rightly so – it explores the mechanism of mentoring, developing assertiveness and the titular call for women to lean in together and support each other.

We believe we are leaning in through this initiative. We aim to create a community of motivated women who can themselves be leaders in their respective fields and inspire more women to enter STEM.


Our mission is to foster a sense of oneness and support system among women interested in Computer Science and technology.

What do we do?

We work towards bridging the apparent gender gap that is visible even in our classes and most work spaces. We offer a platform for the girls of IIT Madras to learn, grow and network with other female CS enthusiasts and tech leaders. We have regular meetings and sessions to foster our skills and to be the best in whatever we want to pursue. We are an informal community to provide a space for open discussions and hence, we can cater to people of varied interests.


Who are we?

We are a group of girls from IIT Madras interested in computer science fields and want to pursue a career in Computer Science.

What's in for me?

The general idea of the group is to have informal sessions to foster a space where everyone feels welcome to discuss tech and challenges faced. Apart from that, we also organize tech talks, hack-a-thons, etc.

So, if you're a female student at IIT Madras, from any discipline interested in Computer Science, join us for a whole new adventure!

Reach out to us on social media!