In the making


BOOK STATUS: written up to ch.VIII, published up to ch.IV

I'm making this because I'm silly like that, I'm not monetizing so I hope I don't get sued for copyright issues... So far, I'm kinda proud of what I have written, though the best of my work so far hasn't been published yet. I'm currently starting to work on chapter IX, which should have the first Morgi appearance and the same length as the last two chapters.


BOOK STATUS: written up to ch.IX, published up to ch.VII

Turns out I reached 1,3k words before being able to introduce Morgi, so she´s gonna appear in chapter X instead. Sorry, Geo! I've written around 300 words for chapter X so far, and I'm currently thinking about her first appearance. I know when and where it'll be, but I still have to consider character reactions, as well as if I should make them already know each other, based on the relationship charts Geo made, or if I should just pretend they haven't seen each other before. Leonora is giving me a little bit of a headache to write, honestly. I miss writing from Brock's pov, even tho I just did it once... But it was wayyy too fun. 


BOOK STATUS: written up to ch.X, published up to ch.X

Chapter XI is currently on the works and I FINALLY managed to make room for our girl Morgi. I'm recieving a lot of support from everyone reading Wicked and it's literally making me ascend. Also, chapter XI is the arc 1 finale, so I'm extra excited about this chapter. I really don't know how many more arcs it'll have and if they'll all have around ten chapters, like this one. I'm just so happy that I'm having a little bit of an influence in the small community that conforms the Super 4 fandom and that people are enjoying my writing! A few days ago, Geo asked me "next chapter when?" and it made me EUPHORIC. When you guys run to Wattpad to read new chapters, I run there too to check the comments because I ADORE reading them.  


BOOK STATUS: written up to ch.XVII, published up to ch.XVII

I'm currently having trouble deciding what to do with the split party problems. I know that, eventually, I'll have to solve it, but it feels like I should wait a bit more. However, I also know that it could get annoying if I keep avoiding it and make the wait too long, as well as adding more bitching around. I'm really trying to keep the unnecessary bickering light, but everyone's just a big pile of contained anger, I can't help it. Ruby's development should start creeping up soon enough and I'm planning on showing Scelesta's past self via Leonor'as meories a bit more! Franz's character should also start to show a very, VERY tiny bit of change, maybe some realisations and backstory will be added to the mix!