
Ruby is one of the main characters. I kept her design pretty much the same as her canon one, but I made the coat longer and her hair short because it's cool asf. 

I decided for her to be one of the characters that gets more focus because, even though there's fanfiction of her out there, most doesn't really portray her in a way I find fitting for what she is in the series. 

When planning Wicked, I had one thing very clear:  I wanted to adress her internalized mysoginy. She's often viewed as a strong girl who defies gender roles, but in reality, she's just perpetuating them. Ruby fought it for many years, but in the end, sexism made its way into her mindset. She's not to blame, but it's still something I was dying to explore since I had never seen anyone even mention it before (and it bugged me A LOT).