教會圖書館/WCC Library

The Wichita Chinese Church Library

In the Wichita Chinese Church (WCC) Library you will find a collection of over 700 books in Chinese that cover a variety of Christian topics including Bible study and commentary books, devotional literature, testimonies, marriage and family life books.

How are the books arranged?

For your convenience books in the WCC Library are arranged using the Dewey Decimal Classification System in which books on the same topic are grouped together by call numbers on the shelf. The call numbers are printed on the spine labels of the books for easy browsing.

Popular Categories in the Collection

220 Bible (聖經)

221-224 Old Testament (舊約)

225-228 New Testament (新約)

230 Theology (神學)

242 Devotional Literature (靈修)

248 Christian Experience, Practice and Life(見證)

248.42-248.43 Christian Marriage and Family(婚姻家庭)

250-254 Church and Preaching (教會/講道)

261 Social Theology (社會神學)

266 Missions (傳道)

270 Church History and Geography (教會歷史/地理)

291 Comparative Religion (比較宗教)

780 Music (音樂)

A Bit More on the Dewey Decimal Classification System: It organizes all knowledge into broad categories and assigns each a hundreds digit. Books in religion and Christianity are mostly under 200. The 200 category is then broken down into more specific topics which are assigned specific numbers in the tens and ones places and finally decimal numbers. For example:

200 Religion

220 Bible

221 Old Testament

222 Law and Historical Books

222.11 Genesis

How to self check out a book: In checking out a book, write down the call number, the book title, your name, and checking out date. General books can be checked out for three weeks and renewed once by adding the new date in the checking out list.

How to read a call number: Call numbers are made up of a Dewey number that indicates the topic of the book, a “cutter number” that is a code for the author or title of the book and sometimes a date of publication. For example:簡易讀經與解經法 (by 陳潤棠 and 陳金獅) is assigned the call number "220.7C446." (Note: 220.7 is the broad category for "Bible Commentaries" and "C446" is the cutter number for the author's last name “Cheng.”)

Barcode: A barcode is a unique number assigned to each book. Different from a call number, which is composed with letters and digits, the barcode is almost all digits at WCC Library and the number is based on the order the book is purchased.

Cataloging Calculator: http://calculate.alptown.com/

Classification: http://classify.oclc.org/classify2/

1825 N Woodlawn, Wichita, KS 67208 | (316) 681-0664 ext 208 | wichitacc@gmail.com