
** 徵求 研究生、專題生 加入我們的研究團隊 **

請洽  顏 毅 廣  老師 (E-mail:

** Welcome overseas/ local graduate students, undergraduate students to join our research team **

Please contact Prof. Yen Yi-Kuang (E-mail:

2023.12.9  Congratulation! 碩士班同學謬念辛,在國際研討會Automation 2023! 獲得Best presentation paper award 佳作 。

2023.11.28  Congratulation!!
Prof. Yen Yi-Kuang won the
Dr. Shechtman Young Scholar Research Award of NTUT.

Congratulation! The work of graduate alumnus Guang-Wei Huang was published in Talanta.

Congratulation! The work of graduate alumnus Ya-Shin Yeh was published in Microchemical Journal .

Congratulation!  Our postdoc researcher
Dr. Ragurethinam Shanmugam Won the Excellent oral paper award in the ICSS 2023!

賀!! 實驗室主持人顏毅廣老師榮獲『109年度科技部自動化學門計畫成果競賽優等!!

Congratulation! The work which WiBCSS Group cooperates with Prof. Huang's group in NTUST was published in Sensors.

2021  夏季   新生訓練與迎新送舊餐會


Congratulation! Group's work on PEDOT:PSS modified CMOS MEMS-Based nanomechanical sensing array for lead ion detection was published in Nanomaterials .

Congratulation! Group's work on A Graphene-PEDOT:PSS Modified Paper-Based Aptasensor for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Detection of Tumor Marker was published in sensors .

Congratulation! Group's work on Membrane-bridge nanomechanical sensor for small molecule detection was published in Scientific Reports .

Please read at


The year-end banquet of WiBCSS group. Happy Lunar New Year. 


Group dinner for ushering out the parting guest and welcome in the new one.

2019.06.11  Congratulation! Group got the ROC patent "振動式量測凝血反應時間之系統"!

2018.12.15 Congratulation!!!  Yo-Shen Chen and our undergraduate team members won the excellent work award (10000 NTD) in the competition of Morsensor wireless sensing building blocks (Morsensor 無線感測積木競賽) . 

2018.12.07 Congratulation!!!  Chao-Yuan Chi's research on "Phenytoin Drug Monitoring by using a CMOS-MEMS Based Piezoresistive Membrane-Bridge Biosensor" was selected to present in Automation 2018 and  was awarded the " Best paper award" . 


2018.09.07 Congratulation, group's research on small molecule gentamicin detection was published in the journal Biosensors and Bioelectronics!! 

 [SCI; IF 8.173] 

     Welcome to our new members!

2018.07.27 Congrats!  Happy for ZK 子寬 and CY 朝元 are passing their final defenses. 

2018.02.28 Congrats!  Journal paper in our group published in Journal "biosensors" .

2018.02.19  Congrats! Two conference papers in our lab are accepted to present in 28th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, 12-15 June 2018 | Miami, Florida, USA.

2017.12.25 WiBCSS Lab Christmas grilled chicken party!

2017.10.01 WiBCSS Lab open!

2017.8.01    歡迎佑昇加入團隊!!

2017.7.24    團隊第一次聚餐! 

2017.6.01    恭賀本團隊獲科技部研究計畫補助!

2017.4.26    歡迎振翔與朝瑜加入團隊 !!!

WiBCSS Lab open!

2017.12.25 WiBCSS Lab Christmas grilled chicken party!

2017.7.24    團隊第一次聚餐! 

2017.11.30    團隊第二次聚餐!