When the event happens, it starts printing "failed". I checked many times if I have a NavMesh on the level or any other problems with it, but I don't think there are any problems with that. Any ideas?

There's a few things that can cause this. Also, yes, it's normal to be frustrated with the AIMoveTo node, as it can be finicky. Your AIMoveTo node does not have a destination. Instead, try to drag off the As First Person Character and get the actor's world location. You should try inputting that into the Destination field on the AIMoveTo node.

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Assuming that you've set everything up correctly and it's still failing; your Target Actor HAS to be in contact with the navmesh otherwise it will fail regardless of whether the move was successful or not.

I was having the same issue, and actually, what the problem was for me was that I was using a target point actor for the location my AI should move to, and it was in the air (247 units above the ground) and not touching the navmesh. So, it was arriving at the target, then getting confused and then failing after a few seconds, even though it was actually AT the target and the acceptance radius was 300. All I did was move the target point to the ground (pressed END with the target actor selected) and it immediately fixed the issue. So it will register as a fail if the move to target isn't connected to the navmesh even though it did technically walk to the target you specified.

I am a bit ashamed to say, when I had the same problem months ago, I just printed the part on my slow Prusa. The part was just a 40mm long 6mm diameter shaft being printed on end and after failing a couple times on the P1P I gave up.

What z hop height do you have set? I increased mine to .4mm z hop. I also have the avoid crossing perimeters turned off so there is no nozzle dragging through infill during travel moves. I also increased retraction distance to .8 for some filament which resolved a lot of issues I had. I mainly use less infill at thicker width to avoid too many movements and longer print times, and I just increase top layers so it can bridge across the infill correctly once it does all the top layers.

Oh, one more thing, try cropping your model using the splitting tool and start it just before this failed section so you can see if changes make a difference without wasting all that time and filament printing the entire thing just to find out it made no difference.

I made sure that I was retracting for every move even when on infill and things were still toppling. I studied the failures and came up with a cure that worked for me; it is a new type of support that worked better than expected.

Over my 40 years as a teacher, I have witnessed wonderful concepts, theories, and philosophies in education gradually be reduced to programs, structures, and scripts that necessarily fail students and teachers.

To be blunt, reading programs labeled as whole language, balanced reading, or structured literacy carry no guarantee that those programs or the implementation of the program does in fact reflect the theory/philosophy of the label.

In formal schooling we have for decades and currently are failing disproportionately marginalized and minoritized students who are over-represented in those students identified as below proficiency in reading.

The key to solving failing transformations is to address effective leadership, understand complexity, and learn the science of teams. As an organization scales it needs to transform as a whole if it is to succeed.

As the number of teams grow keeping them small and enabling cross team communication helps you maintain that agility and speed. However, once you throw into that mix multiple products and multiple interdependencies between teams the complexity increases and as a consequence the speed and agility decreases. Trying to force fit Scrum into this world will only result in failure, and the inevitable 'Scrum Doesn't Work' rhetoric. A better phrase might be 'Scrum only works if you use it as designed.'

A framework should by definition work in any and all contexts. Alas there are no scaling frameworks, only tools and methods to address certain needs. A better term might be a scaling approach. Where one approach, tool, or method may work in one context it might fail in another.

You could argue that each product should have its own product owner and the team resolves prioritization issues, but good luck with a non empowered team trying to solve that with a group of senior stakeholders all demanding their slice of the pie. You need someone to focus on the value of the work the teams does, and working with other people in the organization all vying for the same resources. That someone is the Product Owner.

Attempting to implement Scrum or any Agile approach into an organization without addressing the causes of what's preventing you from being agile will only result in more frustration, and ultimately a list of reasons why Scrum doesn't work, or excuses why your organization is different in some way.

Ken Schwaber is quoted as saying something like "Scrum is like your mother-in-law, it's constantly pointing out your shortcomings." The reality is Scrum does not fix anything! What it does do is change behaviors and through doing so your shortcomings and organizational challenges are exposed. This is painful and requires embracing transparency, one of the pillars of empiricism Scrum and PDCA is based on.

This takes engaged and participatory leadership. Leadership who themselves are willing to change their roles and their actions in solving structural and systemic problems. If you continue to do what you've always done, you can expect to get what you've always gotten. If you truly want to be an agile organization then you have to change everything, and not just the technical organization, while the others continue without change.

If you want to transform into an agile delivery organization, you are going to have to transform your entire organization. Remember, the focus is on delivering better and faster value for your customers. Lose sight of that and fail faster with agility.

All Agile and Scrum first focussed transformations will fail if they do not address the organizational and structural issues associated with legacy corporations. Strong leadership with a will to change and restructure is necessary.

I started by saying that by solving the role of the Product Owner at scale, you will solve the key reason transformations fail. Product Ownership starts with the CEO focussing on the customer priorities for the enterprise. The organization is then able to rapidly turn that into customer value. If you designed an effective Product Ownership organization you will have designed an agile organization and effected a true transformation.

Our behaviors are driven by a complex web of emotions, attitudes, beliefs and values, and, without a clear understanding of how they drive our behaviors, more financial information will fail to produce real change. In short, information does not equal transformation. Financial literacy programs today are hacking at the leaves of change when they need to focus on the root of the problem and better integrate knowledge with healthier behavior.

Financial literacy and the programs that support it fail because they focus on one aspect of this continuum of care. It mirrors a problem in the financial services industry where advice tends to focus on one aspect of our financial lives: our investments. We need advice and guidance in all aspects of our lives and ongoing support, and often course corrections and adjustments, to achieve true financial health, wellness, security and independence.

Financial literacy alone will always fail to improve overall health and wellness, just as advice limited to investments will fail to help people eliminate financial stress, make smarter, more informed decisions in all aspects of life, and put them in control of the lives they want to live.

I have an LG "Slim" USB DVDRW and it will not play cds or rip them on my arch system, a Thinkpad T440p. 

I've tried several different USB cables and all 4 ports and it doesn't make any difference. I also tried downgrading to the LTS kernel but that didn't change anything. USB flash drives work fine on the T440p; the problem seems to just be with the DVDRW drive. I mostly use the old ripperX application to avoid super heavy dependencies and desktop envirnoment junk.

I want to shake people who tell me why they can't homeschool, because I know it CAN BE DONE. Our children are precious and we must stop subjecting them to substandard public education which assumes so little of them. The future of our nation depends on it - and if I may be so bold - I think we are witnessing a steady decline in our nation because of generations of adults who have been educated by increasingly failing public schools.

Simply put, if your child doesn't CONFORM, they will be given a label. This label explains why they don't FIT IN, why they don't learn the same as everyone else.This label means there is something wrong with your child and THEY must be fixed. There must be accommodations and modifications made. They might even be put in a different class of children.

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If you have a question you can start a new discussionARM GCC 11.3 Rel1 newlib-nano linker warning _read is not implemented and will always failbaboliover 1 year agoHi! Upgrading to ARM GCC 11.3 from 7.3 and noticed these linker warnings on bare metal embedded project. These linker warnings aren't on 7.3 or 11.2 ARM GCC versions. I'm having a tough time understanding why they are happening on ARM GCC 11.3 now. 9af72c28ce

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