Nigeria is a federation of 36 states. Each of the 36 states is a semi-autonomous political unit that shares powers with the federal government as enumerated under the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Federal Capital Territory (FCT), is the capital territory of Nigeria, and it is in this territory that the capital city of Abuja is located.[1] The FCT is not a state. It is a territory of the Federal Government, administered by Ministers of Government appointed by the President who supervises by the administration of the territory. Each state is subdivided into local government areas (LGAs). There are 774 local governments in Nigeria.[2] Under the constitution, the 36 states are co-equal but not supreme because sovereignty resides with the federal government. The constitution can be amended by the National Assembly, but each amendment must be ratified by two-thirds of the 36 states of the federation.

At the state level, the legislature is unicameral, with the number of its members equal to three times the number of legislators it has in the Federal House of Representatives. It has the power to legislate on matters on the concurrent list.

Download Map Of Nigeria With States


The Judiciary is one of the co-equal arms of the state government concerned with the interpretation of the laws of the state government. The judiciary is headed by the chief justice of the state appointed by the governor subject to the approval of the state house of assembly.[5]

Terrorists continue plotting and carrying out attacks in Nigeria. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting shopping centers, malls, markets, hotels, places of worship, restaurants, bars, schools, government installations, transportation hubs, and other places where crowds gather. Terrorists are known to work with local gangs to expand their reach.

The security situation in these states is fluid and unpredictable due to widespread terrorist activity, inter-communal violence, and kidnapping. Security operations to counter these threats may occur without warning.

The security situation in these states is fluid and unpredictable due to widespread inter-communal violence and armed criminality, especially kidnapping and roadside banditry. Security operations to counter these threats may occur without warning.

This page presents Nigeria's climate context for the current climatology, 1991-2020, derived from observed, historical data. Information should be used to build a strong understanding of current climate conditions in order to appreciate future climate scenarios and projected change. You can visualize data for the current climatology through spatial variation, the seasonal cycle, or as a time series. Analysis is available for both annual and seasonal data. Data presentation defaults to national-scale aggregation, however sub-national data aggregations can be accessed by clicking within a country, on a sub-national unit. Other historical climatologies can be selected from the Time Period dropdown list. Data for specific coordinates can be downloaded for in the Data Download page.

Nigeria is characterized by three distinct climate zones, a tropical monsoon climate in the south, a tropical savannah climate for most of the central regions, and a Sahelian hot and semi-arid climate in the north of the country. This leads to a gradient of declining precipitation amounts from south to north. The southern regions experience strong rainfall events during the rainy season from March to October with annual rainfall amounts, usually above 2,000 mm, and can reach 4,000 mm and more in the Niger Delta.

The central regions are governed by a well-defined single rainy season (April to September) and dry season (December to March). The dry season is influenced by the Harmattan wind from the Sahara. Coastal areas experience a short drier season with most rain occurring over March to October. Annual rainfall can reach up to about 1200 mm. In the north, rain only falls from June to September in the range of 500 mm to 750 mm. The rest of the year is hot and dry. Northern areas have a high degree of annual variation in its rainfall regime, which results in flooding and droughts.

Mean annual temperature for Nigeria is 26.9C , with average monthly temperatures ranging between 24C (December, January) and 30C (April). Mean annual precipitation is 1,165.0 mm. Rainfall is experienced throughout the year in Nigeria, with most significant rainfall occurring from April to October and with minimal rainfall occurring November to March.

In Nigeria, from 3 to 30 January 2022, 211 laboratory confirmed Lassa fever cases including 40 deaths (case fatality ratio: 19%) have been cumulatively reported in 14 of the 36 Nigerian states and the Federal Capital Territory across the country (Figure 1). Three states account for 82% of confirmed cases: Ondo (63), Edo (57) and Bauchi (53). The other states affected are Benue (11), Ebonyi (5), Oyo (5), Taraba (5), Kogi (4), Enugu (2), Kaduna (2), Cross River (1), Delta (1), Katsina (1) and Plateau (1) (Figure 2).

Of the 211 laboratory confirmed cases, five cases have been reported among health workers in two states, Edo (3) and Benue (2).

In contrast, noticeably less Lassa fever cases with less geographical spread were reported for the same period (epidemiological weeks 1- 4) in 2021 (54 confirmed cases, including 12 deaths, from 8 States).

Lassa fever is a viral haemorrhagic fever that is primarily transmitted to humans via contact with food or household items contaminated with urine or faeces from Mastomys rats. Though to a lesser extent, secondary human-to-human transmission can also occur through direct contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other body fluids of infected persons, especially in health-care settings. 

Approximately 80% of Lassa virus infections in humans are either asymptomatic or mild, however, infection in the remaining 20% manifests as a febrile illness of variable severity associated with multiple organ dysfunctions with or without haemorrhage. The overall case fatality ratio among all infected people is approximately 1% but is significantly higher among patients hospitalized with severe illness (around 15%).

Timely diagnosis results in more rapid isolation of patients and provision of treatment, while also reducing the risk of person-to-person transmission in health care settings. Early supportive care with rehydration and symptomatic treatment improves survival of patients. 

In health-care settings, health workers and volunteers should apply standard infection prevention and control (IPC) measures when caring for individuals, regardless of their presumed diagnosis. These include basic hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, use of personal protective equipment (to block splashes or other contact with infected materials) and safe injection practices.

The NNF is a group of professional peace mediators trained by USIP to resolve local conflicts through nonviolent means across several states throughout the country. NNF dialogues focus on strengthening community-security sector relationships and mitigating intercommunal, pastoralist-farmer and election-related violence. Since 2019, the NNF has collaborated with state peacebuilding institutions to address conflicts and support local peace processes. In 2021, the NNF helped conduct USIP research to better understand the drivers and dynamics of communal conflicts across Nigeria.

USIP conducts research on governance and security to better advise Nigerian policymakers in their response to these challenges. A 2020 public opinion survey found new linkages between COVID-19, instability and conflict. These survey findings informed policy discussions with senior U.S. and Nigerian policymakers, including Nigerian President Buhari and state governors. USIP also published research mapping state peacebuilding institutions; assessing election-related violence risks; and outlining pathways to civilian-led governance amid the Boko Haram insurgency in Northeast Nigeria.

In 2019, the Network of Nigerian Facilitators (NNF) helped Kaduna and Plateau state peacebuilding institutions orchestrate a peace agreement to resolve a long-standing, cross-border violent conflict between Aten, Fulani and Takad communities in both states. The resulting peace agreement, signed in December 2020, signified their commitment to begin a peace process guided by the state peacebuilding institutions with support from the NNF and USIP.

During counterterrorism operations, Nigerian security forces have reportedly committed human rights violations and used excessive force, including extrajudicial killings, rape, torture and arbitrary detentions against suspected Boko Haram and ISWA members, as well as civilians. The Nigerian military has allegedly run a secret, systematic and illegal abortion program in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states that has terminated at least 10,000 pregnancies since 2013, according to an investigation by Reuters. Many of the women and girls in the abortion program had been kidnapped, forcibly married, beaten and repeatedly raped by members of Boko Haram.

Kidnapping and violence against civilians continue unabated, with near-daily attacks. On 22 September armed bandits attacked the hostel of a university and kidnapped 24 female students, a security guard and 10 construction workers. Two days later, at least eight people were killed and 60 others, mostly women and children, were abducted from two communities. On 25 November at least 150 civilians, including women and children, were kidnapped in a coordinated attack by armed groups on four villages in Zamfara State.

World Population Clock Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Database (demographic data) and USA Trade Online (trade data).\r\n\t\t\t\tPopulations shown for the Most Populous Countries and on the world map are projected to July 1, 2023.\r\n To learn more about world population projections, go to Notes on the World Population Clock.\r\n To learn more about international trade data, go to Guide to Foreign Trade Statistics.\r\n\t\t\t\tCoordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the equivalent of Eastern Standard Time (EST) plus 5 hours or Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT) plus 4 hours."}},"world_footnotes":{"label":"About the Population Clock and Population Estimates","map":{"label":"Source and Notes","content":"Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Database (demographic data) and USA Trade Online (trade data).\r\n\t\t\t\tPopulations shown for the Most Populous Countries and on the world map are projected to July 1, 2023.\r\n\r\n To learn more about world population projections, go to Notes on the World Population Clock.\r\n To learn more about international trade data, go to Guide to Foreign Trade Statistics.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\tAll trade figures are in U.S. dollars on a nominal basis.\r\n\t\t\t\tCoordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the equivalent of Eastern Standard Time (EST) plus 5 hours or Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT) plus 4 hours."},"country":{"label":"Source and Notes","content":"Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Database (demographic data) and USA Trade Online (trade data); Central Intelligence Agency, The World Fact Book (country reference maps).\r\n\t\t\t\tThis application presents data for 228 countries and areas of the world with a 2023 population of 5,000 or more. For eleven of those countries and areas, only demographic data are presented. \r\n\t\t\t\t\"Data not available\" indicates that data are not available from this application. In such instances, data may be available elsewhere at the website.\r\n\t\t\t\tTrade figures presented for France do not include data for overseas departments French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, and Reunion but do include data for dependencies Saint Barthelemy and Saint Martin. Trade figures for the United Kingdom include data for crown dependencies Guernsey, Isle of Man, and Jersey.\r\n To learn more about world population projections, go to Notes on the World Population Clock.\r\n To learn more about international trade data, go to Guide to Foreign Trade Statistics.\r\n\t\t\t\tAll trade figures are in U.S. dollars on a nominal basis."}},"footnotes":{"label":"About the Population Clock and Population Estimates","counter":{"label":"U.S. Population","content":"\r\n The U.S. population clock is based on a series of short-term projections for the resident population of the United States. This includes people whose usual residence is in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. These projections do not include members of the Armed Forces overseas, their dependents, or other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States.\r\n The projections are based on a monthly series of population estimates starting with the April 1, 2020 resident population from the 2020 Census.\r\n\t\tAt the end of each year, a revised series of population estimates from the census date forward is used to update the short-term projections for the population clock. Once the updated series of monthly projections is completed, the daily population clock values are derived by interpolation. Within each calendar month, the daily numerical population change is assumed to be constant, subject to negligible differences caused by rounding.\r\n\t\t\t\tPopulation estimates produced by the U.S. Census Bureau for the United States, states, metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas, counties, cities, towns, as well as for Puerto Rico and its municipios can be found on the Population Estimates web page. Projections of the future population for the United States can be found on the Population Projections web page.\r\nCities featured on the Most Populous and Highest Density lists feature populations of 5,000 or more on July 1, 2022."},"pop_on_date":{"label":"","content":""},"growth":{"label":"","content":""},"pyramid":{"label":"","content":""},"populous":{"label":"","content":""},"density":{"label":"","content":""}},"components":{"counter":{"label":"Population Counters"},"us":{"label":"U.S. Population","url":"https:\/\/\/popclock\/?intcmp=w_200x402","interval":15,"birth_rate_label":"One birth every %@ seconds","death_rate_label":"One death every %@ seconds","immigrant_rate_label":"One international migrant (net) every %@ seconds","net_gain_label":"Net gain of one person every %@ seconds","learn_more_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link 1","share_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link 1"},"us_rates":{"label":"Components of Population Change","table_summary":"Placeholder for population rates table summary 1","table_header_labels":["Rates","Visualization"]},"world":{"label":"World Population","url":"https:\/\/\/popclock\/world?intcmp=w_200x402","interval":0.1},"world_rates":{"label":"TOP 10 MOST POPULOUS COUNTRIES (July 1, 2023) ","tables":[{"title":"TOP 10 MOST POPULOUS COUNTRIES (July 1, 2023) ","columns":["Rank. Country","Population","Rank. Country","Population"],"rows":{"China":1413142846,"India":1399179585,"United States":334914895,"Indonesia":279476346,"Pakistan":247653551,"Nigeria":230842743,"Brazil":218689757,"Bangladesh":167184465,"Russia":141505279,"Mexico":129875529},"vintage":"2012","table_summary":"Placeholder for population rates table summary 5"},{"title":"Top 10 Fastest Growing Countries","columns":["Rank","Country"],"rows":{"China":1413142846,"India":1399179585,"United States":334914895,"Indonesia":279476346,"Pakistan":247653551,"Nigeria":230842743,"Brazil":218689757,"Bangladesh":167184465,"Russia":141505279,"Mexico":129875529},"vintage":"2012","table_summary":"Placeholder for population rates table summary 6"}]},"pop_on_date":{"label":"The United States population on %@ %@: %@","default_year":"2024","default_month":"01","default_day":"04","min_year":2020,"min_month":4,"min_day":1,"learn_more_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link 2","share_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link 2"},"growth":{"label":"United States Population Growth by Region","y_axis_label":"Population (in millions)","min_year":2020,"max_year":2023,"learn_more_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link 3","share_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link 3","view_data_table_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link3","table_summary":"Placeholder for population rates table summary 3","table_header_labels":["Region","Population","Visualization","Percentage"]},"pyramid":{"label":"United States Population by Age and Sex","x_axis_label_middle":"% of Population","x_axis_label_modifier":"%","min_year":2020,"max_year":2022,"max_total_percentage":1,"table_summary":"Placeholder for population rates table summary 4","learn_more_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link 4","share_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link 4","view_data_table_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link4"},"populous":{"label":"Most Populous","learn_more_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link 5","share_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link 5","tables":[{"title":"States","columns":["State","Population","Pop. per sq. mi."],"vintage":"2023","table_summary":"Placeholder for population rates table summary 7"},{"title":"Counties","columns":["County","Population","Pop. per sq. mi."],"vintage":"2022","table_summary":"Placeholder for population rates table summary 6"},{"title":"Cities","columns":["City, ST","Population","Pop. per sq. mi."],"vintage":"2022","table_summary":"Placeholder for population rates table summary 5"}]},"density":{"label":"Highest Density","learn_more_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link 6","share_link_title":"Placeholder title for component link 6","tables":[{"title":"States","columns":["State","Population","Pop. per sq. mi."],"vintage":"2023","table_summary":"Placeholder for population rates table summary 10"},{"title":"Counties","columns":["County","Population","Pop. per sq. mi."],"vintage":"2022","table_summary":"Placeholder for population rates table summary 9"},{"title":"Cities","columns":["City, ST","Population","Pop. per sq. mi."],"vintage":"2022","table_summary":"Placeholder for population rates table summary 8"}]}},"api":{"cache":false,"methods":{"us":{"url":"https:\/\/\/popclock\/data\/population.php\/us"},"world":{"url":"https:\/\/\/popclock\/data\/population.php\/world"},"pop_on_date":{"url":"https:\/\/\/popclock\/data\/population.php\/us"},"region":{"url":"https:\/\/\/popclock\/data\/population.php\/region","data":{"regions":"west,midwest,northeast,south"}},"demographic":{"url":"https:\/\/\/popclock\/data\/population.php\/demographic"},"populous":{"url":"https:\/\/\/popclock\/data\/population.php\/rank","data":{"type":"states,counties,cities","sort":"population:DESC","limit":10}},"density":{"url":"https:\/\/\/popclock\/data\/population.php\/rank","data":{"type":"states,counties,cities","sort":"density:DESC","limit":10}}}},"share":{"components":{"counter":{"pinterest":"Every minute the US #population is changing, see population changes @uscensusbureau Population Clock","facebook":"Every minute the U.S. population is changing, see how quickly it changes with the Census' Population Clock.","twitter":"Every minute the US #population is changing, see population changes @uscensusbureau Population Clock","email":"Every minute the U.S. population is changing, see how quickly it changes with the Census' Population Clock. %url%"},"pop_on_date":{"pinterest":"Did u know the US #population on %date% was %population%? Discover more with @uscensusbureau Population Clock","facebook":"Did you know the U.S. population on %date% was %population%? Discover how it has changed since with the new Census' Population Clock.","twitter":"Did u know the US #population on %date% was %population%? Discover more with @uscensusbureau Population Clock","email":"Did you know the U.S. population on %date% was %population%? Discover how it has changed since with the new Census' Population Clock. %url%"},"growth":{"pinterest":"How is the US #population changing, region by region? Find out with #Census' Population Clock. @uscensusbureau","facebook":"How is the U.S. population changing, region by region? Find out with the new Census' Population Clock.","twitter":"How is the US #population changing, region by region? Find out with #Census' Population Clock. @uscensusbureau %image%","email":"How is the U.S. population changing, region by region? Find out with the new Census' Population Clock. %url%"},"pyramid":{"pinterest":"What % of US women are #age 35? Men who are 58? Find out with @uscensusbureau #Population Clock","facebook":"What percentage of U.S. women are age 35? Men who are 58? Find out with the new Census' Population Clock.","twitter":"What % of US women are #age 35? Men who are 58? Find out with @uscensusbureau #Population Clock %image%","email":"What percentage of U.S. women are age 35? Men who are 58? Find out with the new Census' Population Clock. %url%"},"populous":{"pinterest":"What are the most populous US states, counties and cities? Find out with @uscensusbureau #Population Clock.","facebook":"What are the most populous U.S. states, counties and cities? Find out with the new Census' Population Clock.","twitter":"What are the most populous US states, counties and cities? Find out with @uscensusbureau #Population Clock.","email":"What are the most populous U.S. states, counties and cities? Find out with the new Census' Population Clock. %url%"},"density":{"pinterest":"Which US states and counties have the highest #population densities? Find out with @uscensusbureau Population Clock.","facebook":"Which U.S. states and counties have the highest population densities? Find out with the new Census Population Clock.","twitter":"Which US states and counties have the highest #population densities? Find out with @uscensusbureau Population Clock.","email":"Which U.S. states and counties have the highest population densities? 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