Meet Our Team!

Crew List:

See a list of the people who work the magic behind the curtain!

Sophia Aeschliman - Costume Crew Head

Brielle Baker - Scenic Crew, Props Crew

Abby Banwart - Scenic Crew

Layla Bieghler - Costume Crew

Ben Biggs - Electrics Crew

Bridget Brennan - Costume Crew, Publicity Crew

Mia Christopherson - Hair & Makeup Head

Jordan Cunningham - Costume Crew

Max Ferguson - Scenic Crew

Emma Gaughan - Outreach Coordinator

Rylee Haas - Scenic Crew

Avery Johnson - Stage Manager

Bella Kennedy - Sound Designer

Colin Kiernan - Props Master, Construction Crew Foreman, Videographer

Chandana Kodavatiganti - Scenic Crew, Props Crew

McLain Laird - Sound Designer

Rachel Marwedel - Publicity Head

Erica Maxwell - Props Crew

Maddi Megonigle - Assistant Stage Manager

Ethan Mitchell - Electrics Crew, Scenic Crew

Kira Moore - Hair & makeup Crew

Mia Munoz - Scenic Crew

Afton Prohaska - Assistant Stage Manager

Cameron Roach - Scenic Crew, Electrics Crew, Front of House

Joey Schramm - Front of House

Liza Yelyzaveta - Scenic Crew

Cast List:

See a list of our talented cast members!

Angel Phan - Wayne Hopkins

Lohitaksh Chawla - Oliver Rivers

Ryann Coughlin - Megan Jones

Wesley McPike - Ernie Mac, A Certain Potions Teacher

Emma Gaughan - Hannah

Sam Nigg - J. Finch Fletchley

Coria Chaloupecky - Leanne

Jahanvi Chawla - Sally Perks

Emma Shortenhaus - Susie Bones, Xavia Jones

Will Bower - Cedric, Mister Voldy

Clare Gaughan - First Headmaster, Hermeoone 3

Isaiah Dale - A Very Tall Man, Ric Griff, Giant Snake, Viktor

Jake Pallister - Uncle Dave, Professor Turban, Mr. Nick

Jordan Cunningham - Seamus Finnigan, Professor Sprouty, Helga

Fatemah Kargarzadeh - Ghost History Teacher, The Real Mr. Moody

Rylee Hatcher - Professor Locky, Ms. Babble, Mr. Bagman

Bridget Brennan - Professor Lanny, Zach Smith, Sal

Lavanya Vangapandu - Ginny, Anthony Goldstein, Runes Teach, Rita Scooter

Adelaide Brennan - Goyle, Far Friar, Second Headmaster, Hermeoone 2, Giant Snake, Dragon

Jade Hogarty - Harry

Jessica Benson - Professor McG, Rowena, Frenchy, Blondo Malfoy

Isabelle Meyer - Hermeoone, Clumsy Longbottom, Myrtle

Isabelle Schad - Colin, Bippy, Scorpy

AJ Bissell - Narrator

Company Bios:

Learn more about each of our company members!

Sophia Aeschlima

Costume Coordinator

Herbology, and Potions are the two classes Sophia would take if she attended that, erm, one magic school. To go along with it, she'd use the spell she created called Herbivicus-Charm that increases growth of plants.

Brielle Baker

Scenic & Paint / Props

If Brielle had to adopt a house, she " would hope to be in Smarts because it would align with my.... certain school house! "

Jessica Benson

Professor McG / Blondo / Rowena / Frenchy

When asked what kind of spell she would invent if she could, Jessicas came up with "Learnus. Can learn things instantly so I wouldn't have to do near as much homework. "

Layla Bieghler


Layla's adopted house is Snakes, and if she could invent a spell, her's would make people tell the truth.

Ben Biggs

Scenic & Paint / Electrics

The house Ben would place himself in is Snakes. Why? "I’m a terrible person, and everyone I know whose read *Copyrighted Book Title* has placed me in *Copyrighted House Title* "

AJ Bissell


AJ belongs to the Puffs house, becuase "I am way to friendly with people and give out too many second chances, but I can be brave and stand up for myself when I need to. I may not always be the brightest, but I’m always there to lend a helping hand or just to listen. "

Will Bower

Cedric / Mr. Voldy

Will's schedule at the you-know-what-one-school includes "Real Mr. Moody's class. I want to see him mess with some spiders. " Braver than the rest of us, Will.

Addie Brennan

A Fat Friar / Second Headmaster / Hermeoone 2 / Goyel / Giant Snake / Dragon

This bio met a dark lord and decided to befriend it's snake pet. It didn't end well for the bio.

Bridget Brennan

Professor Lanny / Sal / Zach Smith / Bathtub

If Bridget attended THAT ONE MAGIC SCHOOL, she "would want to take Charms and Potions! Charms is what teaches you all of the useful spells like Alohomora and Lumos, and potions would be great for your own everyday purposes like cleaning or medicine. "

Coria Chaloupecky


Coria's adopted house is Puffs, because "they’re a bunch of nice, happy people. Also, badgers."

Jahanvi Chawla

Sally Perks

The two classes Jahanvi would take at that magic school for wizards and additional wizards would be "Divination- I enjoy things like reading tea leaves and telling the future and Magical Beast studies- I think it would be cool to learn about magical creatures."

Lohit Chawla

Oliver Rivers

If Lohit could invent a spell, he would makeup "Skipio (Skips ahead in time so I dont have to sit through class)")

Mia Christopherson

Hair & Makeup Designer

Mia's arsenal of classes at that certain school would be "Any class except for defense class because that class is cursed" She's... not wrong.

Ryann Coughlin

Megan Jones

Ryann's invented spell is Goat time - whenever you say a goat appears in your arms and you get to cuddle it.

Jordan Cunningham

Professor Sprouty / Seamus / Helga

Jordan's schedule at that magical school looks something like this: "Herbology because who doesn't want to learn about magical plants? Astronomy because stars are cool, and History of Magic because magical history seems so interesting!"

Isaiah Dale

A Very Tall Man / Ric Griff / Viktor / Death Buddy / Giant Snake

"Tameios (Can tame any animal I want)" is the spell Isaiah would invent if he could.

Max (Mackenzie) Ferguson

Scenic & Paint / Electrics

If Max attended that *wink wink* school of magic, she'd take "transfiguration because I want to turn rocks into dogs :)

Clare Gaughan

First Headmaster / Hermeoone 3 / Death Buddy / Bathtub

Clare's adopted house is Snakes, because "devious plans, and green is the best out of the 4 colors."

Emma Gaughan


If Emma could invent a spell, her's would be "A spell that makes people get Never Gonna Give You Up stuck in their head. " She'd tell you what it's called, but she doesn't want to give it up... ha..ha... (I'm sorry)

Rylee Haas

Scenic & Paint / Electrics

Anaticula: causes the victim's wand to produce ducks whenever a spell is cast. That's the spell Rylee would make if she could. Truly, diabolical.

Rylee Hatcher

Professor Locky / Ms. Babble / Mr. Bagman / Death Buddy

Rylee'd be interested in taking Divination at that magic school, without death preferably, but also Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions.

Jade Hogarty


Jade's chose house is Braves, because "buzzfeed said so". And if Buzzfeed says, then it must be true, clearly.

Avery Johnson

Stage Manager

This bio went out with the death buddies for dinner, it'll be back sooner or later.

Fatemeh Kargarzadeh

Ghost History Teacher / Real Mr. Moody / Death Buddy

Fatemeh's spell invention would be "Aveda locationo, to find the location of something or someone if you like are lost "

Bella Kennedy

Sound Designer

This bio wandered into the forbidden section of the library a couple of days ago. Last we heard it shouted something about pickles.

Colin Kiernan

Construction Crew Foreman / Props Master / Videographer / Photographer

"Once in a Blue moon, I gain the powers that allow me to feel Smart. " Therefore, Colin's adopted house is Smarts.

Chandana Kodavatiganti

Scenic & Paint / Props

If Chandana could create a spell, she'd cast "'silentium', a spell that causes one to be unable to speak for a period of time since over sharing is a thing."

McLain Laird

Sound Designer

This bio drank a little too much adult butter beverage and no one could figure out what it was trying to say.

Haleigh Mangan


This bio met a troll in the dungeon.

Rachel Marwedel

Publicity Head

"I think my house would be Snakes, mostly because I identify with murderous 11 year olds."

Erica Maxwell


This bio had to go to detention with a certain potions teacher, hasn't been seen since. In other news, that particular teacher gained a nice new statue.

Wesley McPike

Ernie Mac / A Certain Potions Teacher

This bio got turned into stone sometime in year two.

Maddi Megonigle

Assistant Stage Manager

"Online-shopio, it orders what ever I want online but then it get delivered instantly. " That's the spell Maddi would create.

Isabelle Meyer

Hermeoone / Clumsy Longbottom / Myrtle

Isabelle would be a Puff because "I can relate to them, like them, I am friendly, welcoming, helpful, and love being near the kitchen."

Ethan Mitchell

Scenic & Paint / Electrics

Ethan's chose house is Braves because "I was able to watch Titanic all the way through without crying. I think that’s pretty brave" (that's really impressive)

Kira Moore

Scenic & Paint

This bio took a trip to England a month ago, said it's joined a school of magic.

Mia Munoz

Scenic & Paint

Mia's spell she'd create would be "homeworkus gonius- no more homework cause i am always too tired to do it"

Sam Nigg

J. Finch Fletchley

If Sam could create a spell and use it, he "would cast buffetio that would bring a bunch of food to me. "

Jake Pallister

Professor Turban / Uncle Dave / Mr. Nick / Death Buddy / Bathtub

This bio used the avada kedabra spell, but pointed the wand the wrong way.

Matthew Pettengill

Makeup / Lighting

"The classes I would want to take at that certain school are History of Magic and Transfiguration . For the history of magic I think it would be interesting to learn how magic led up to this point, and for Transfiguration I think it'd be very useful to change anything to anything you want it to be. "

Angel Phan

Wayne Hopkins

This bio went the way of the first headmaster and quietly disappeared

Afton Prohaska

Assistant Stage Manager

Afton's adopted house is Puffs, because "I've always been a kind person with a positive and good -natured personality, and I think that's what embodies the puffs throughout the play! "

Cameron Roach

Scenic & Paint / Electrics / Front of House

This bio wandered out into an enchanted forest and met an untimely end

Isabelle Schad

Colin / Bippy / Scorpy / Bathtub

One spell Isabelle would invent if she could would be "Lingua Sermo (The word language in Latin two different ways), this spell would help you speak and understand any language for a certain amount of time."

Joey Schramm

Front of House

Avada Kedavra is the spell Joey would like to learn. (For context, that's the one that would kill people.) Joey? Um, what are you going to do with it bud?

Emma Shortenhaus

Susie Bones / Xavia Jones

This bio went to the kitchens an hour ago. It said it'd be back, but we're not sure?

Lavanya Vangapandu

Runes Teach / Ginny / Anthony Goldstein / Rita Scooter / Death Buddy

If Lavanya could take a class in in that magic school, she'd "take studies about 'normal people' because I would get a good grade in that. "

Liza Yelyzaveta

Scenic & Paint

This bio went chasing after an owl-like thing. Haven't seen it since.