Frequently Asked Questions: (Questions will continue to be added as the project progresses)
1. How can I be added to the email distribution list for the project to be notified of upcoming meetings about the project?
A. Email your request (or any other questions to comments) to highschoolproject@watertown.k12.ma.us
2. What is the difference between the design and approval process of the elementary schools project and the High School Feasibility Study process?
A. The elementary schools project was designed and procured as any public project would be in Watertown or Massachusetts. This allowed for a traditional study, design, procurement schedule controlled by the Town and School Building Committee.
On December 12, 2018 the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) Board voted to invite the Town of Watertown to partner with them in conducting a Feasibility Study for the Watertown High School. Upon completion of their rigorous, multi-step submission/approval process, and a successful Town Special Election, Watertown will receive a grant which will reimburse the Town for a portion of the eligible costs of the project.
This collaborative process and executed agreement with the MSBA has an expiration date of 12/18/21 (extended due to COVID-19 moratorium). The milestone submissions to the MSBA are all aligned with specific MSBA Board Meeting dates. This makes for a more rigid overall schedule.
3. How many options have been studied so far, and what is the current option being reviewed?
A. During the "Preliminary Design Program (PDP)" Phase, (6) sites were analyzed: Moxley Field, Phillips site, Watertown High School site, WHS/Phillips site combined, Victory Field & Stadium combined, and DPW/Stadium/Victory Field combined. On those sites, a total of (12) options were reviewed by the School Building Committee and the Community.
The project then proceeded in to the "Preferred Schematic Report (PSR)" Phase in which the shortlist of options from the PDP are studied more thoroughly and a "preferred option" is identified. In December of 2020, the project team submitted PSR report to the MSBA with the preferred option 3D-4 approved by the School Building Committee of the combined WHS/Phillips site.
Following comments from the MSBA on the two-site preferred option, Watertown was asked to revisit their preferred option with the goals of reducing the size of the building, eliminating the inclusion of other public buildings as part of the phasing of the project (COA/District Admin/Public Facilities), and to focus on a one-site solution. Since February of 2021, (5) new options have been reviewed in line with those goals, which included looking at phased/occupied construction or re-visiting swing space opportunities on town-owned parcels to allow for a new high school to be built on the existing high school site in a faster and more cost-efficient manner, with less disruption to the students and teachers.
Option 1H was approved by a vote by the School Building Committee on 6/2/21. This option is a new school on the existing high school site using temporary swing space on Moxley Field. This option would have a construction duration of 30-36 months (improved from 54 months in Option 3D-4).
More information about the studies leading to this design and the progress on the design can be found at this link: https://sites.google.com/site/watertownhighsch/design-info.
4. Is parking and traffic being studied as part of the design process?
A. Yes, the design team includes a traffic engineer working for Ai3. They have done a preliminary review of the WHS site and neighborhood streets in 2019. They will be updating that data in the Spring of 2021 to inform the design of the new school. The current design included onsite parking of 162 spaces under the building in line with Watertown zoning requirements.
5. How long will Moxley Field be used for the temporary swing space for the high school, and will there be any part of the field left open for use by the Community during this time?
A. In November of 2022, the athletic field area of Moxley field will be closed to allow for the construction of new stormwater mitigation areas, and for the construction of the temporary modular high school. This will be ready in time to move equipment and furniture from the current high school in June to be ready for return to school in September of 2022.
The temporary high school will be in place for three school years allowing for the construction of the new high school through January 2026. The goal is to move the students and teachers to the new high school over February vacation 2026, and then to start the removal of the temporary high school and to fully renovate the field. Depending on the design, it is expected that the field will be open for use either in Spring or Fall of 2027 (sod vs. seed grass is TBD).
During the duration of the temporary use of the field, the playground area of Moxley Field will be available for use by the Community. There will also be a small flex field built that can be used by the Community when school is not in session. See graphic below.
6. Have Community Members concerns been heard and addressed as it relates to the temporary use of Moxley Field for Swing Space?
A. On 4/21/21, the SBC postponed taking a vote to proceed with the preferred option for the new high school to allow the Committee and the Project Team to review a petition received by Community members with concerns about use of the Moxley Field. Concerns included impact on environmental justice population, impact on senior residents, preserved green space, Article 97 protection, proximity to retail establishments that sell alcohol, climate change impact, and impact of traffic & parking.
Following the 4/21/21 meeting, the Project Team reviewed all of these points, met with Watertown's DPW, Traffic Planner, Fire Department, Police Department, Building Commissioner, and Community Development & Planning. On 5/19/21, the Project Team presented the findings related to each of these items to the Committee and also held its 7th Community Forum on 5/26/21.
The original petition can be viewed at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17uK-4IDefnfmN1ZkG1EY349EMGrP14Ih/view
The presentation from the meeting on 5/1921 and response to the petition can be viewed at this link:
7. What will be the ongoing process for addressing Community concerns about the use of Moxley Field as temporary swing space for the high school?
A. The Project Team will be continuing to meet regularly with a working group from Town Departments including Watertown's DPW, Traffic Planner, Fire Department, Police Department, Building Commissioner, and Community Development & Planning. Following each of these meetings, progress will be presented at the next School Building Committee meeting. There will be additional Community Forums as the design progresses through the remainder of 2021, where feedback will be obtained. These Community Forums and Updates will continue through the entire construction phase duration. The School Building Committee had made clear that they are committed to working with the Community to solve as many challenges caused by this temporary condition as possible.
Links to Related Sites:
Watertown Public Schools / Building For The Future
Massachusetts School Building Authority
MSBA Invites Watertown High School into Eligibility Period