Have a Question, Comment or Idea? Please send an email to:


days until Construction Substantial Completion (3-1-26)

Next School Building Committee Meeting 

(Generally the first and third Wednesday of the month):

Wednesday March 16, 2022 at 6pm

via ZOOM Meeting

The link to the meeting can be found in the posted agenda for the date of the meeting here:




Welcome to the Watertown High School

Feasibility Study Project Website

Throughout this process, the School Building Committee will

post updates to keep the public informed of our ongoing progress.

Thank you for your interest!


Compass and Ai3 would like to congratulate the City of Watertown on the successful vote on March 2, 2022 by the Massachusetts School Building Authority Board to authorize the Executive Director to execute the Project Scope & Budget and Project Funding Agreements with the City of Watertown for the new Watertown High School projectThis is an important and exciting milestone, and one that marks our transition into the Construction Phase of the Project.  We are grateful for the all of the dedication, tenacity, knowledge, expertise, and support from the School Building Committee.  We look forward to developing the new WHS to its full design together in 2022, and preparing for the start of construction in June of 2023.


The SBC will be hosting the 9th Community Forum to review with the Community a general project update, review of final traffic studies, overall project schedule and overall design progress.

The Forum is scheduled for Wednesday February 2nd

at 6pm via Zoom.

Below is the link to the agenda containing the Zoom link:


and also the link to the presentation:



The Schematic Design Report (SDR) submission was sent to the MSBA on 12/17/21.

To view the complete submission, follow the link below:



The SBC will be hosting the 8th Community Forum to review with the Community the design, schedule, swing space design and traffic/safety meeting update, as well as a preview of how the new WHS will approach Net Zero Energy.

The Forum is scheduled for Wednesday August 25th

at 6pm via Zoom.

The zoom link can be found in the agenda following this link:



The SBC will be hosting the 7th Community Forum to review with the 

Community the REVISED Preferred Schematic option 1H and swing space required

for the high school project.

The Forum is scheduled for Wednesday May 26th

at 6pm via Zoom.

The Zoom Meeting link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86932730605


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Webinar ID: 869 3273 0605

 iPhone one-tap:

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Moxley Neighborhood presents Petition to School Building Committee 

on 4/21/21 with concerns about use of Moxley Playground for swing space.

Follow link below to read the Petition and other communications presented

at the SBC Meeting on 4/21/21:


The Project Team presented a response and comments to the Moxley 

Neighborhood's Petition at the SBC Meeting on 5/19/21.  

Follow the link below to see the presentation:



Wicked Local Article about the High School Project posted 3/29/21



The SBC will be hosting a Moxley Field Neighborhood Meeting

 to review the Preferred Schematic option for the high school project.

The Forum is scheduled for Wednesday April 14th at 6pm via Zoom.


The SBC will be hosting the 6th Community Forum

to review with the Community the REVISED Preferred Schematic option

for the high school project.

The Forum is scheduled for Wednesday March 24th

at 6pm via Zoom.

The Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86932730605

and the link to the presentation can be found here https://www.dropbox.com/s/6n3vp019pet2dyc/21.03.24%20WHS%20Community%20Presentation.pdf?dl=0:




Follow the link to view the comment letter and exhibits

that the Team will be responding to:  WHS MSBA PSR Comments


The SBC will be hosting the 5th Community Forum

to update the Community on the design progress of the

Preferred Schematic option for the high school project.

The Forum is scheduled for Monday November 30th

at 6pm via Zoom.

The Zoom link can be found below under Next Meeting and the link

to the presentation can be found here:



The SBC will be hosting the 4th Community Forum

to update the Community on the design progress of the options

being studied for the high school project.

The Forum is scheduled for Thursday October 8th

at 6pm via Zoom.

The Zoom link can be found below under Next Meeting and the link

to the presentation can be found here:



The SBC will be hosting the 3rd Community Forum

to update the Community on the design progress of the options

being studied for the high school project.

The Forum is scheduled for Wednesday July 29th

at 6pm via Zoom.

The Zoom link can be found below under Next Meeting and

the link to the presentation can be found here:



On February 12th, Jack O'Leary from Vertex, a member of Ai3's design team working 

on the new high school, attended a WHS Earth Science Class to present how the

geotechnical borings occurring outside the students' windows related

to their current curriculum.

Visioning sessions for the WHS Project began in December 2019

Watertown High School

Mission and Vision Statements

Mission Statement

WPS prepares all students for life by engaging them in a challenging and meaningful education within an inclusive, diverse community.

Vision Statement


Inspiring Excellence for All

WPS inspires all to explore and shape the world around them.