Concert Attire

Formal Concert Black Guidelines

Wilton High School Music Department

In order to present a uniform, professional ensemble, all students will follow a Formal Concert Black dress code for all performances. Please follow the guidelines below when choosing concert attire for your music student.

Concert black attire is formal and professional, and should not draw attention to the individual. Students are free to choose the components of their concert attire from within the following guidelines:

What is Formal Concert Black Attire?

  • Black dress pants, slacks, skirt, or dress (skirt and dress length is at the knee or longer, with a close-fitting neckline)

  • Black dress shirt (collar, buttons, and long sleeves) or blouse (short, 3/4, or full length sleeve, close-fitting neckline)

  • Black socks or black stockings

  • Black shoes

  • Black suit jackets, solid-black ties, sweater, or scarves are acceptable but not required

  • Students who own the previously assigned tuxedos or black dresses do not need to make a new purchase. Additionally, those students with tuxedos who wish to wear a black dress shirt are welcome to do so, but are not required to.

What is NOT Formal Concert Black Attire?

  • Jeans, sweats, warm-up pants, yoga pants, leggings, mini-skirts, or shorts

  • T-shirts, tank tops, spaghetti straps, halter tops, or crop tops

  • Flip-flops, sports shoes, sneakers, black shoes with colored stripes or logos white socks, colored socks, no-socks, or bare feet

Speak to your director with any questions or if you are having trouble finding appropriate attire.