
There are lots of ways to support Whittier's students, families, and teachers outside of school too.

The Local School Advisory Team is a group of Whittier parents, teachers, and staff that meets monthly during the school year. Parents are elected to the LSAT in the spring for the following year. The LSAT is separate from the PTO and makes decisions related to school budget priorities and will have a role in selecting the permanent principal. Parent representatives to the LSAT for School Year 2020-21 are Alicia Bolton, Carletta Hurt, and April York.

Ward 4 Education Alliance is an organization of community members, parents, and staff from Ward 4 public schools. Their monthly meetings are a good way to learn about the school budget process, policy updates, and other news in our neck of DC. They meet on the second Thursday of each month, virtually now and at different schools around the ward when we are back in-person. Email to get on their mailing list for updates.

We announce hearings, comment periods, and other activities by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, State Board of Education, and the DC Council at PTO meetings and on our email list. The voices of parents are critically important and the experience of testifying before Council can be very empowering. We will help you prepare and answer any questions you might have.

Latest update on Modernization Campaign (Jan 4, 2024):

To ensure that all grades/classes are well-informed about how to get involved with advocacy efforts, the PTO leadership provides oversight and vision to the modernization committee, which in turn work through grade/class-level captains to get the full Whittier community involved in advocacy efforts. 


We’re actively recruiting for the following roles:

Modernization Committee - a group of teachers, staff and parents across grade levels with great ideas and the capacity to help execute them.  This group currently has eight members (see list below) and is open to others who would like to join.  No special talents or expertise is required, and members can be involved as much or as little as their schedules permit (e.g., your involvement can ramp up when it’s time to complete a specific task and then ramp down once the task is over).   

Grade Level/Class Captains - responsible for keeping parents in your grade and/or class informed about upcoming advocacy efforts/asks (e.g., testify at a public hearing, sign a petition, show up at a virtual ANC meeting, etc.). While the immediate focus is on advancing advocacy goals, we’ll also work with and through grade/class captains to support other PTO goals and activities (e.g., school/family events, teacher support, volunteering, fundraising, etc.).  Captains can be parents, grandparents or guardians with a student attending Whittier.  

If you’re interested in being a modernization committee member and/or grade level/class captain, please fill out this super short survey (english, español, አማርኛ)

Also, please click here to opt in for text messages from the PTO through the platform Remind to stay informed about the latest developments.   

The Operations Lead for the modernization committee is Paul Strzelczyk (a Prek4 parent), who oversees the day to day work of the modernization committee.  Paul can be reached at with any questions you may have about the committee. Alicia Bolton (4th and 1st grade parent) and Angela Anderson (3rd grade parent) will continue to be involved as strategic advisors and thought partners who set overall vision for the advocacy work and collaborate with Whittier’s broad coalition of parents to advance the school’s swing space and modernization goals. 


Current Modernization Committee Members:

I Love Whittier Video

It’s time to show the love, Whittier! If you were at the March PTO meeting, you may remember that we are currently working on an “I love Whittier” campaign to show our community all that Whittier has to offer the children of Ward 4 and the District at large. As part of this effort, we are asking for students, parents, teachers, and staff to participate by doing one of the following three things:

We are hoping to have students, families, and teachers/staff representing all grade levels to show off the entire Whittier community. Submissions will then be compiled into a single video that will be used to support the school’s enrollment efforts and the building modernization campaign.

By, Friday, April 16th at 8pm EST, select one of the following three ways to participate: 

OPTION 1:  Video

Step 1: Use your smartphone or computer (newer versions work best) and find a neutral background and quiet location to record. If possible (not required), wear a Whittier t-shirt or hoodie. 

Step 2: Record, in whatever language* you are most comfortable, a video of your student/you answering the following questions with a brief pause between them for editing purposes. When answering the questions please do so in a full sentence. For example to the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, instead of “ An engineer.”, you start with: “When I grow up I want to be ...?”


*All languages (e.g., Spanish Amharic, Vietnamese, French, etc.) are welcomed!! 

Step 3: Send your video to by Friday, April 16th at 8pm EST. Please label it as “Firstname.Lastname.Grade.Role”. Role = Student, Parent, or Teacher-Staff. 

OPTION 2:  Picture Showing What You Love About Whittier

Step 1: Draw a picture that shows what you love about Whittier 

Step 2: Take two pictures:

Step 3: Send your picture to by Friday, April 16th at 8pm EST. Please label it as “Firstname.Lastname.Grade.Role”. Role = Student, Parent, or Teacher-Staff. 

OPTION 3: I Love Whittier Sign

Step 1: Create a homemade “I Love Whittier” sign. 

Step 2: Take two pictures:

Step 3: Send your picture to this by April 16th at 8pm EST. Please label it as “Firstname.Lastname.Grade.Role”. Role = Student, Parent, or Teacher-Staff. 

Please contact Ms. Jessica O’Connell at if you have any questions.