Links to Suitable Guitars for Home Practice

Beginning Guitar: Links to Recommended Guitars

Remote learning presents a number of challenges for every parent, student and teacher. In Beginning Guitar at Whitney Young, the primary challenge at this point is to get an instrument into every student's hands while they are at home. It's a lot to ask of parents in these times!

We're going to do our best to loan guitars to students who can't get a guitar of their own, but our inventory is very limited. So, if you've already found a guitar for Margaux we are grateful as that frees up an instrument for us to loan to a student who needs one.

After receiving a number of inquiries from parents who are interested in buying guitars, I wanted to reach out to all of the Beginner parents and guardians with some recommendations below.

Please email me ( if you have any questions!

Intermediate / Advanced:

In the 2nd year of guitar and beyond, students are required to have an electric guitar, amp, cable and picks at home to practice. There are a number of reasons for this, and we are aware this is a challenging proposition for many families. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions:

Some recommended packages are linked below: