
Walnut Hills is a proud member of the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of The Cappies- a national writing and awards program that trains high school theatre and journalism students to be expert writers, critical thinkers, and leaders. Student critics vie to be published in local media outlets by attending productions at other schools and writing critical reviews.  At the end of the season, a Tonys-like celebration occurs, where all nominated shows perform a cutting or the critics' choice song, and the final Cappies awards are presented with a trophy by various theatre, journalism, and entertainment professionals in the region. 

What is Cappies? 

Cappies is an international organization that celebrates both high school journalism and high school theatre. 

How Does Cappies Work?

Each chapter of Cappies across the United States and Canada asks its schools to form a critic team. Each school's critic team goes out and reviews shows at other high schools and write reviews of them. One critic is designated as the lead critic, who serves as the team captain and is the point person for communication between Cappies and their school. 

Each school picks one show out of their season (which must feature students in grades 9-12) to designate as their "Cappies Show." This is the show/performance that critics from other schools will come watch and review. 

At the end of the season, all critic teams will vote on award categories for the shows they have seen. Awards are then presented at the end of the year gala at the Aronoff Center for the arts. 

 What Are the Requirements to Be a Cappies Critic?

Is There a Fee?

No, the theatre department pays all fees to participate in Cappies.  You also get free food when you attend a Cappies show. 

So I Pay Nothing and Get Free Food at Each Show I Attend and Review?

Yep...sounds like a win-win, doesn't it? 

How Do I Apply?

Click on this link to fill out the Google Form application. We can take a maximum of nine critics for the team. Critics who were on the team in years prior must reapply every year.  All critic team applications are due by Wednesday, August 28.