We are excited to welcome you back to The Delacorte Theater for our 60th Anniversary Season of Free Shakespeare in the Park. We ask that you read and understand the following when accessing tickets.

Through a multistep process, wastewater treatment facilities filter out solids and use bacteria to break down harmful organic matter. Once the water is adequately treated it is recycled into a nearby water source.

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Treated water can be reintroduced to the cycle as reclaimed water or it may go to a new treatment facility for further cleaning. Once the treatment process is complete, water is recycled into the environment via natural water sources, where nature cleanses it through its own processes for the next city down the line.

Wastewater treatment plants are often underfunded entities that have the important job of collecting, treating, and recycling wastewater. The more thoughtful we are about when and how we use water, the more we can contribute to sustainability. The simple act of turning off the tap while brushing your teeth could help reduce our collective carbon footprint. There is no new water on the planet, and there never will be. We have a responsibility to use it wisely.

If the service is "out of service" because it reaches a max threshold or you manually "disable" the service gracefully, then as long as "down state flush" is disabled, then existing transactions will complete, but no new transactions will be sent that service. New load balancing/persistence decisions will be made for relevant transactions. If "down state flush" is enabled, then all existing transactions end on current service and will be forced to start on new one. See here:

If the service is "down" because it is offline/unavailable, then it is not possible to allow existing transactions to complete. And as Diego noted, any "persistence" against the "down" service will be discarded for a new persistence decision as the current persistence cannot be honored.

I just finished setting up my 3 XXL today and tried to initialize in Carbide Motion 5. When I hit Initialize Machine, the router moves down and then grinds. After browsing this forum a bit I tried going into the MDI and moving the axis manually. When I put in z-10 it goes up but when I type z10, it goes down. Something seems reversed but everything is installed exactly per the instruction manual.

I have deployed my application onto AWS EC2 and I want to implement automation where if I restart my instance or when the Nginx web server is down, it will restart by itself. I do not really know where to start with this.

You'll find that if you check a the PID, there will be a different PID. If you hadn't run those lines, killing ngnix would result in a server that's down. This will only trigger a restart on a non graceful shutdown

Set up the Auto Scaling Group with minimum and maximum 1 instance, and point the healthcheck to the content served by your Nginx web server (ideally, something that doesn't consume a lot of CPU like robots.txt). The Auto Scaling Group will detect when your instance is unhealthy (might take 3 or 5 healthcheck fails) and will kill the instance and start a new one.

Author's Note: Gender breakdown indicates what has happened in prior productions. I believe it works best if MISS, DRIVER, and MADE are portrayed by participants who identify with these specified gender designations. All other roles are completely fluid.

Hi, so I have a telecaster that's recently been burdened with a burr. No problem, I thought, I just had to go through 6 different sets of cheap high e strings to find out what the problem was. So I cleaned out the tuning peg, sanded it (the burr itself was quite noticeable, it was a bit of a shocker) and when I bought my new Ernie Ball slinkies I was happy with the knowledge that I would, at last, be able to play again. I started tuning it and everything was fine.

Wrong. As soon as I reached a certain pitch on the string (I'm pretty sure it was a C2) it started tuning down. I'm keeping it at C2 for the moment because I'm scared that any more tension to the string will cause it to snap like the other half dozen poor strings before it. I'm traumatised for life - one time the string snapped and cut me good on my lip. Wasn't able to eat without my mouth hurting like crazy. I'd like to avoid that.

TL;DR: had a burr on my high e tuning peg on a telecaster, went through a bunch of strings to find out, now my high e tunes down when reaching a certain pitch. I'm at a loss as to what I have to do.

The FS-1024E switches are connected to each other on port 23, port 24 of each goes to X3 on corresponding Fortigate 201F The FS-T1024E switches are connected to each other on port 23, port 24 of each goes to X4 on corresponding Fortigate 201F

The students can stir the water with a large spoon, a stick, or, after rolling up sleeves, just with a hand (see Figure 2). Now wait a few minutes until the water is hardly moving and then open the drain. Students will then notice how the water ends up swirling down the drain in the same direction that they stirred it earlier. Repeat the experiment stirring counterclockwise. Students should conclude that the water swirls down the drain in the same direction that it was initially moving.

In all of these cases (a few illustrated in Figure 6, p. 71), as something gets smaller or closer to the center of the rotation, it speeds up; and as it gets larger or farther from the center, it slows down. All of this happens because the angular momentum, massĀ  sizeĀ  speed, stays the same.

If only the arbiter goes down, you still have two nodes (the primary and the secondary) that can communicate to each-other (and they form a majority: 2/3). So that will be fine. Being able to handle a one-node failure is exactly why you have that arbiter.

Without the arbiter, if one node goes down, the other one cannot be sure if it should step up to become the primary because it does not know if the failed node cannot be reached because it is down or because of a network problem.

But I am thinking, do I really need my indices replicated in three places? Two should be fine, so now I want to turn my first node into a dedicated master, but the other two would still be master eligible in case that first node goes down.

The manager is essential to the proper running of an indexer cluster, with its role as coordinator for much of the cluster activity. However, if the manager goes down, the peers and search head have default behaviors that allow them to function fairly normally, at least for a while. Nevertheless, you should treat a downed manager as a serious failure.

If a manager goes down, the cluster can continue to run as usual, as long as there are no other failures. Peers can continue to ingest data, stream copies to other peers, replicate buckets, and respond to search requests from the search head.

When a peer rolls a hot bucket, it normally contacts the manager to get a list of target peers to stream its next hot bucket to. However, if a peer rolls a hot bucket while the manager is down, it will just start streaming its next hot bucket to the same set of peers that it used as targets for the previous hot bucket.

Eventually, problems will begin to arise. For example, if a peer goes down and the manager is still down, there will be no way to coordinate the necessary remedial bucket-fixing activity. Or if, for some reason, a peer is unable to connect with one of its target peers, it has no way of getting another target.

The search head can also continue to function without a manager, although eventually the searches will be accessing incomplete sets of data. (For example, if a peer with primary bucket copies goes down, there's no way to transfer primacy to copies on other peers, so those buckets will no longer get searched.) The search head will use the last generation ID that it got before the manager went down. It will display a warning if one or more peers in the last generation are down.

When internet connectivity is down I open a command prompt on any computer and attempt to ping any other computer or any of the ip cameras and the ping times out. Each camera connects via FTP to my FTP server and uploads a continuous stream to the FTP server and connects via IP number only. When the internet connection is down, the cameras cannot reach the FTP server. (DNS is not involved). The kids (who am I kidding, I play too) cannot connect to the Minecraft server even though they attempt to connect using IP number only. In short, there is NO intranet connectivity at all if the internet connectivity goes down.

What I have tried: I have ensured that the only thing connected to the Linksys Mesh Wifi Router is the 16 port hub in an attempt to isolate the network from the hub if the router goes down or loses connectivity to the internet. If I disconnect the ethernet cable between the router and cable modem I am able to ping any device on my network. If I disconnect the ethernet cable between the 16 port hub and the router I am able to ping any device on my network (I have tested this while the router has connection to the internet and while it is unable to connect to the internet). This issue only occurs if the connection within the router goes down while it is still physically connected via ethernet cable to the rest of the network. When the connection is restored AND I reboot the router connectivity is reestablished within the internal network.

In a data center servers are put into things called racks. Servers on racks are connected to other servers on racks through a device called a switch. From here there is a whole complex system of connections of switches to more switches and routers and eventually out to the internet. A rack can hold somewhere between 20 to 30 servers on it. A rack can fail, the switch can break or maybe a power supply dies, this then takes down all 20 servers. One more nice thing Aurora and Mesos does for us is ensure that not too many applications will be put on a single rack. So the whole rack can go down safely and suddenly, Aurora and Mesos will find new servers to be homes for the applications that were running there. 17dc91bb1f

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