Summer School

Wheeler Summer School Options SY23.pdf

Wheeler High School Credit Recovery Options

Please see the attachment to the left to learn about opportunities to take classes over the summer. 

Any class taken over the summer MUST be approved by a counselor in order for it to be given credit on the Cobb transcript if it is taken outside of Cobb County Schools. 

Summer School 23.pdf

Credit Recovery Option for 2023 Summer

Students may take up to 1 credit for free they have previously failed. 

Please see information attached to the left.

Please direct any questions you may have regarding summer school to your school counselor.

Summer Term registration is now open and will close May 24 at noon. Students may visit their website linked here for more information about signing up for a CVA class. 

Wheeler HS students are limited to what will be approved to take through CVA over the summer. 

If the course is offered on Cobb Virtual, it is required that you take the course on CVA. Therefore, do not register for Georgia Virtual

Summer registration TBD. Stay tuned for details!