What Is The Parallax Effect? 


The parallax effect is one of the popular and modern website design techniques where the background element moves slower when scrolling than the foreground visual content. The means if the user landing on your website scrolls down your web page then the elements at the background and foreground move at a different speed. Like the background image can move slowly whereas the image or any graphic element displayed in the web page foreground moves faster.

The parallax effect can help your website in offering 3D animation feel even if your website is using a flat design. The parallax effect includes in-depth in the background that helps in making your web page more interactive. Website makes use of parallax effect in the landing page, sales page, the home page, in the long format content page, and more. If your website has a lengthy page then the parallax effect can add more value to your website. 

Today many premium WordPress themes come with a built-in parallax effect on the home page. Some of the free WordPress themes also offer parallax effects like twenty seventeen and more. But remember not all the WordPress themes have the built-in parallax effect, you need to check with the demo and the feature. But even if the theme does not have any parallax effect you can make use of the page builder plugin that comes with a parallax effect tool using which you can add parallax effect in different pages of your website. 

How does it work? 

Well, the parallax movement works with the phenomenon of movement parallax, where the viewer can see the objects moving parallelly and at different speeds. The object closer to the viewer (foreground) seems to move faster than the object placed farther aware (background). When we talk in terms of psychological effects then the object placed near to the viewer hits their retinal more quickly. This way the human processes these stimuli in a way that offers a 3D effect in the design. 

Read More: A Complete Guide On Parallax Effects: Why & How To Use It For WordPress

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