What Are E-A-T, YMYL & Beneficial Purposes? Explained With Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines


Why is it important to understand the Search Quality Rating  Guideline?

Many of you may know that Google crawler decides the rank and quality of the websites and webpages. Yes, that’s true but other than that Google also has a human rating team worldwide who evaluates google search results to check the effectiveness of the algorithm. There are about 10,000 people contracted by google who are working behind to check the algorithm’s effectiveness in recognizing the quality of the web pages.  

The human rating team evaluates every search result to ensure the algorithm is displaying the correct and accurate results for the searches. Raters conduct actual search results to evaluate the quality of the page displayed by the Google algorithm.

The Search Quality Rating Guideline released by google gave an idea to most of the marketer and SEO specialists about what is considered as the high-quality webpage and low-quality web page according to the Google crawler.  

If you want to succeed in the industry then it is important for you to go beyond on-page and off-page activities. Getting an in-depth idea about how the algorithm works and how the web page quality is evaluated, will not only help you to rank on the top but it also helps you to understand what type of web page and content google wants. 

That’s where E-A-T comes in, google always wants to recommend the best search results to their users. Google ensures that all the websites or web pages recommended by them display high-quality expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T).  The main idea behind deploying E-A-T is Google wants to save their searchers from low-quality content which is based on wrong and hypothetical thoughts that can harm their searchers.  

The results (after evaluation) from the human quality rating team helps Google engineers to identify how they can improve the ranking algorithm to provide better search results. This is how it works, firstly the human research team identifies the flaws, and depending on that google makes changes in their algorithm and offers updates to users.  

Read More:  What Are E-A-T, YMYL & Beneficial Purposes? Explained With Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines

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