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The gas tower is now well on its way up and some gas equipment is starting to arrive on site.

It looks like one of these photographs is the wrong way round, the question is which one?

A view from the railway

With such a huge project the Gas Company knew there would be a golden opportunity to sell there white goods products and they had enough room on the site to build the famous ‘Gas Showroom’.

This is the start of the building works.

The gas works company could never have imagined when they undertook this massive project that within a relatively short space of time North Sea gas would be discovered.

And so by the late 60’s, early 70’s their operations were at an end.

The gas holders were no longer required and the site occupied a nice piece of building and commercial usage land.

The site initially became derelict and the gas holders were no longer painted and stood towering over Horwich End like two mammoths from the ice age.

Here is the start of the end for them:

The gas holders have now gone.

Finally this is the gas showroom in August 2013