The Family

Guardian 2.5.1883

THE LATE MR. S. GRIMSHAWE – The funeral of Mr. S. Grimshawe, of Errwood Hall, near Whaley Bridge, who died on 20th ult., took place yesterday. The deceased gentleman was born in Manchester in August, 1808.

At the age of 18 he entered Brasenose College, Oxford, where he was in company for some time with John Henry Newman, now Cardinal Newman. He took the degrees of B.A. and M.A., and in 1851 was received into the Roman Catholic Church.

At the funeral there was a large attendance of Catholic clergy and friends, including the Bishop of Salford, the Bishop of Shrewsbury, Mgr. Provost Croskell, V.G., Mgr. Canon Kershaw, Very Rev. Canon Sheehan, V.G., and others. The Bishop of Shrewsbury delivered the funeral oration in the chapel, and the coffin was afterwards removed to the mausoleum at the top of Chronicle Hill, within the grounds, the clergy, Mrs. Grimshawe, the Misses Grimshawe, and other mourners following. After prayers the procession returned to the hall. The funeral arrangements were entrusted to Mr. Evans, of this city.

Guardian 6.7.1960

Old bridge will be dismantled before flooding

By our Stockport Correspondent

Assurances that the most interesting parts of the Goyt Valley will be preserved as far as possible when a new reservoir is built there have been given by the Stockport waterworks committee. This was disclosed at the town council meeting last night. The town, after its serious water shortage last year, is planning to build the reservoir at Errwood.

When the Peak Park planning board granted planning permission in outline for the project, it asked for car parking facilities on new roads, the preservation of the remains of Errwood Hall and St Joseph’s Shrine, and the dismantling of Goyt’s Bridge for re-erection elsewhere. The waterworks committee has agreed to meet these requests. The bridge is to be taken down and re-erected by the Peak District and Northern Counties Footpaths Preservation Society.

Guardian 7.6.1851

THE LATE ROBBERY AT ERRWOOD HOUSE. – At the petty session held at Disley, on Monday, before James Newton, Esq. And the Rev. Peter Leigh, James Smith, a journeyman painter, was charged with stealing certain valuable property belonging to Mr. Samuel Grimshaw.

It appeared from the evidence that, in April last, the prisoner was employed by a master painter at Buxton, to do certain work at Errwood Hall, the seat of the prosecutor. The family being at the time absent in London, the prisoner had an opportunity of ranging over the entire house, and of this opportunity it appeared he availed himself, as he succeeded in abstracting from several bedrooms, amongst other things, a valuable gold watch, with gold guard and two seals; a pair of knee buckles, a chain of silver, and Scotch pebbles, a lady’s brooch, a gold ring set with hair, some valuable foreign lace caps, and a few old silver coins, &c. with which he contrived to get clear off. Nothing further was heard of him until about a fortnight since, when from the description given of him in the Hue and Cry, he was apprehended at Brecon, in South Wales, with the lace caps and other property in his possession. – The prisoner, who declined to say anything, was fully committed for trial.

Guardian 16.6.1930

Catholic Bequests

Mrs. Mary Ambrosia Louisa Gosselin, of Errwood Hall, near Buxton, Derbyshire, who died on February 23 last, widow of Hellier Gosselin, left unsettled property of the gross value of £19,678. Probate has been granted to Colonel the Hon. Richard Martin Preston, of Woburn Hill, Addlestone, Surrey, William Nevile Broadbent Bury, of 8 John Dalton Street, Manchester, chartered accountant, and Miss Antoinette Eileen Maud Preston, of Donadea Lodge, West End, Hants. The testatrix left money lying to her credit at Barclays Bank, Limited, to Antoinette Eilen Maud Preston, and she left to her also £6,000 and a further legacy of £150, the proceeds of sale of certain furniture. She left ’s Society for –£50 to St. JosephForeign Missions, Mill Hill, London, N.W.£50 to the Rev. Ernest Grimes, priest in charge at Errwood Hall.

£1,500 in trust to pay various annuities, and on the death of the last surviving annuitant the said sum of £1,500 to the Sisters of Charity, Ancoats Branch.. £5 to the Rev. James Thornton, of the Catholic Church, Hertford, and £10 each to the Rev. Bede Jarrett, O.P., St Dominics Priory, Southampton Road, London, the priest in charge of the Catholic Church, Whaley Bridge and the Very Rev. Charles Kuypers of Thorndon, Brentwood, Essex, and the Very Rev. Antonius Maguire, O.P. St. Sebastian’s Priory, Pendleton, Manchester, and “I would request each of them to say a mass for my intention.”

To the Roman Catholic Dominican Father, the Very Rev. Bede Jarrett of Haverstock Hill, London, N.W., whom falling to the Prior of the Dominican Black Friars Priory of the Holy Ghost, St Giles Street, Oxford, a copy of St. Luke’s picture of “The Virgin and Child” and all other pictures in the private chapel at Errwood Hall, together with all the vestments, sacred vessels, and chapel furniture, and the collection of relics with their authentications. £50 for masses “to be said according to my intention”.£100 to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Salford desiring without imposing any trust that he will apply the income for the benefit of St. Mary’s Church, Clare Road, Levenshulme.£50 to the Convent of Poor Clares, Clare Road, Levenshulme.£100 to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Shrewsbury, desiring without creating any trust that the income may be used for the benefit of the Church of the Sacred Heart, Whaley Bridge.£10 to the Rev. Alexia O’Brien, of the Dominican Order of St. Sebastian’s Priory, Gerald Road, Pendleton, Manchester. £5 per annum to the Prior of the Dominican Priory, Black Friars, Oxford, for the maintenance of a lamp to perpetuate the memory of the chapel at Errwood Hall.

Guardian 26.2.1930 - Deaths

GOSSELIN – On February 23, 1930 at Errwood Hall, Buxton, MARY AMBROSE LOUISA, widow of Helier GOSSELIN. Funeral this day (Wednesday), Errwood Hall, 10.30. R.I.P.

Observer 7.2.1851 - Deaths

At Errwood Hall, Cheshire, Samuel Grimshawe, Esq., in his 81st year.

Observer 14.12.1851 – Births

7th inst., at Errwood Hall, Cheshire, the lady of Samuel Grimshawe, Esq

The Errwood Estate used many Buxton Traders throughout it's existence especially traders of quality like Milligans, Milligans for those who don't remember stood on Spring Gardens where Argos is now situated and was a shop on par with any London outlet Edwardian Mahogoney and Glass, where service was paramount, Edward Milligan came from a Scottish background and the family started with a small shop in Chapel. Very Important man in Buxton in his day on most Boards etc , mason and so on buried in Fairfield Church Yard.

Below are some examples of invoices for the Errwood Estate.

The cemetery above The Hall

Samuel Grimshawe Snr is interred at St Peter’s Church in Manchester in vault number 17.

He was laid to rest alongside four of his closest relatives who were:

Samuel Grimshawe died Jan 27th 1851 aged 80 years.

Elizth Grimshawe died 17th August 1829 aged 64 years.

Hannah Clough died 5 Jan 1848 aged 83 years.

Sarah Grimshaw died 12th June 1825.

Phoebe Leigh died 12th October 1837.

Samuel’s wife Anne was buried at Taxal Church.

The Grimshawes bought the land for the construction of that church so she should have been laid to rest there.

In Taxal Church there is a Tablet on north wall of the Chancel which says:

In a vault beneath this tablet repose the mortal remains of Anne, wife of Samuel Grimshaw Esq., of Errwood Hall, in this parish who departed this life June 21st 1850 aged 67 years; also in memory of the said Samuel Grimshaw who died Jan 27th 1851 aged 83 years. This tablet is erected by their only daughter Margaret Elizabeth and her husband, John Upton Gaskell of Ingersley.

The names of the people buried at Errwood are as follows:

Samuel Dominic Grimshawe died 20 April 1883;

Jessie Mary Magdalen Grimshawe died 6 Dec 1893;

Arthur Grimshawe died in infancy.

Capt the Hon. Edward Francis Preston died 1 Mar 1901;

Anne Genevieve Marie Preston died 28 Jan 1929.

Helier Robert Hadsley Gosselin died 31 Mar 1924;

Mary Ambrose Louisa Gosselin died 23 Feb 1930.

Irma Niorthe, born at Bayonne, France, 7 Jul 1855 died at Errwood, Cheshire 19 Dec 1882 aged 27.

John Butler, Captain of the yacht Mariquita, 16 years friend and faithful servant of the late Samuel Grimshawe died 3 Feb 1886 aged 55;

Hannah his wife died 4 Nov 1887.

Ellen Ferns died 12 Jan 1889 aged 75.

Elizabeth Anne Braddock died 6 Jan 1903 aged 19.

Thomas Braddock 28 Nov 1911 aged 71.