

"A refugee is a person, just like you and me," p. 2

"A strange animal arrived one day looking dusty, tired, sad and frightened. He was pulling a big suitcase," p. 1

"When Aidan was born, everyone thought he was a girl. His parents gave him a pretty name. His room looked like a girl's room. And he wore clothes that other girls liked wearing," p. 1

"OH NO! I'm. on the other side of the book! And you're the ogre who's going to eat me up!" pp. 28-30

"'Before I built a wall, I'd ask to know what I was walling in or walling out.' --Robert Frost, from Mending Wall"

"What would it be like to be a tree with roots sunk deeply into the earth -- to watch the seasons passing around you the same way the wind passes through your brances," p. 24

Social Awareness

The abilities to understand the perspectives of and empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and contexts. This includes the capacities to feel compassion for others, understand broader historical and social norms for behavior in different settings, and recognize family, school, and community resources and supports.

Such as:


What does Hari say about xenophobia?

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