*indicates student coauthor
Tran IT*, Heiman JA*, Lydy VR*, Kissoon LT (2023) Silver inhibits Lemna minor growth at high initial frond densities. Plants 12(5): 1104. doi:
Kissoon-Charles LT (2022) More than just algae: aquatic plants in an Ozark spring-fed pond. Aquatics 44: 26-30.
Heiman JA*, Tran IT*, Behlke-Entwisle M*, Pavlowsky R, Kissoon LT (2022) Metal accumulation in American sycamores in a mining-contaminated river in southeastern Missouri. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 233: 125. doi:
Cheri CR, Kissoon LT, Bowles DE (2022) Aquatic Flora of Fowler Lake, Buffalo National River, Arkansas. Rhodora 123: 133-148.
Kissoon LT, Cheri CR, Bowles DE (2020) Landoltia punctata (Araceae), A new distributional record for the Ozarks. The Great Lakes Botanist 59: 229-233. Available on Research Gate.
Yellick AH*, Jacob DL, DeKeyser ES, Hargiss CLM, Meyers LM, Ell M, Kissoon-Charles LT, Otte M (2016) Multi-element composition of soils of seasonal wetlands across the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188: 1-14. doi:10.1007/s10661-015-5013-5
Kissoon LT, Jacob DL, Hanson MA, Herwig BR, Bowe SE, Otte ML (2015) Multi-elements in water and sediment of shallow lakes: relationships with water, sediment, and watershed characteristics. Wetlands 35: 443-457. doi:10.1007/s13157-015-0632-8
Sullivan R*, Kissoon LT, Jacob DL, Hanson MA, Fischbach EK*, Otte ML (2014) Variations in shoreline vegetation and turbidity in shallow lakes. Wetland Science and Practice 31:19-32. or on ResearchGate
Jacob DL, Yellick AH*, Kissoon LT, Asgary A*, Wijeyaratne DN*, Saini-Eidukat B, Otte ML (2013) Cadmium and associated metals in soils and sediments of wetlands across the Northern Plains, USA. Environmental Pollution 178:211-219.
Kissoon LT, Jacob DL, Hanson MA, Herwig BR, Bowe SE, Otte ML (2013) Macrophytes in shallow lakes: relationships with water, sediment and watershed characteristics. Aquatic Botany 109:39-48.
Kissoon LT, Jacob DL, Otte ML (2011) Multiple elements in Typha angustifolia rhizosphere and plants: Wetland versus dryland. Environmental and Experimental Botany 72:232-241.
Kissoon LT, Jacob DL, Otte ML (2010) Multi-element accumulation near Rumex crispus roots under wetland and dryland conditions. Environmental Pollution 158:1834-1841.