Weta Precision

A modern, ballistics mobile app for target shooters


During lockdown 2020, I decided to start a hobby project and have been building Weta Precision, an external ballistics mobile app, in my spare time. Now, in 2021, two flavours are available. The original Free version, and a new Pro version, which connects to weather meters and accounts for powder temp and zero weather conditions.

See Facebook Page and Instagram for more, or download now:




Refine your preferences, then add as many rifles and bullets as you'd like


Set your wind strength and direction, then drag out the distance

Go Pro!

Connect to Bluetooth weather meters and more with Weta Precision Pro

Report a bug or suggest a feature

If you'd like to get in touch, you can find us here:

However, if you'd like to contact me directly, whether it's to say Hi, offer some carefully crafted criticism, or ask a question, feel free to email me directly.
