How do you pronounce Weta?

Weta (a native insect to NZ) is pronounced as though you've first got wet, and then got wetter.

Is Weta Precision really free?

Yes, the plan was to create and release a fully functioning ballistics app with a modern interface, no advertising, completely free on both Android and IOS. There are no ads either - it's fully functional.

Finally, I've released a Pro version at a low price just to claw back weather device purchases etc.

What drag model do you use?

There are several models available including G1 and G7.

It's important that you specify the correct model for the available ballistic coefficient. e.g. if you only have a G1 BC available for your bullet, you must select G1 when setting up your entry, and not G7, which would result in inaccurate drops.

From v2.0, Weta Precision supports multiple BCs.

Do you have a bullet database?

This is something I'll be working on for a future release, but at the moment bullet information needs to be entered manually from the box or manufacturer's website.

Whilst this might be a pain, I've found that most target / precision rifle shooters tend to know these details already as they're home loading.

Stay tuned though, as this is planned for Weta Pro.

Do you have a reticle database?

For the first major release, there is no reticle display, however having done a proof of concept already, I will certainly be adding this in the future.

Do you support weather meters?

Finally, yes!

After purchasing a few, I made a decision to create a Pro version for advanced functionality.

Two makes are supported already: WeatherFlow and Skywatch.

Version 1.0 of Weta Pro doesn't collect the wind direction, but it will be along shortly...

How can I back up my database?

As of Weta Precision v2.1 and Weta Pro v1.0, you can export and import your database.

So that no kind of registration is required, I've opted for a localised database - all of your details are stored on your phone and not in the cloud.

Export is performed to DropBox, Google Drive, iCloud etc, and your Weta Precision export containing settings, rifles and bullets can be imported into Weta Pro.

How can I get in touch with you?

If you'd like to get in touch, I've set up pages on these social media sites:

However, if you'd like to contact me directly, whether it's to say Hi, offer some carefully crafted criticism, or ask a question, feel free to email me directly.

Scott Rogers