T&T Leader training



Truth and Training club(T&T club) is broken down into three club segments: Small Group time, Large group Time and Game time. Below are some videos to explain these segments:

Small Group time demonstration


T&T handbook use


Leader’s Role During Small Group Time:

Large Group Time:


T&T Leader’s role during Large Group Time:

Game Time demonstration:


T&T Leader’s role during Game Time:

Methods of Discipline

The Five-Count

The Five-Count is a proven, effective method for group discipline. The leader in charge counts to five (or from five to one) slowly and loudly, while holding up one hand in the air and counting with his or her fingers. Leaders and kids respond by being quiet and giving their full attention to the counting leader. When you have the group’s attention, proceed with your instructions.

This method of discipline can be used during any segment you need to get the group’s attention. Remember, for the benefit of new kids, regularly review the Five-Count and expected behavior. 

The Three-Count

While the Five-Count is used for a group setting, the Three-Count is used for an individual child who continues to misbehave, affecting your ability to lead the T&T group well. Generally, a gentle verbal reprimand is all it takes to get a child back on course. When that doesn’t work, a Three-Count can help a misbehaving child self-correct.

The following is an example of how the Three-Count can be used to deal with a child’s disruptive behavior and may be adjusted to fit the needs of your kids, leadership structure, or behavioral issue.


Quietly talk to the child away from other children. Explain why their behavior is inappropriate and teach them what appropriate behavior would look like in the situation. The child receives a warning for their behavior.


If the child continues to display inappropriate behavior, bring him or her to the T&T Director or Awana Director. Together, have a conversation about the expected appropriate behavior and look for ways to help the child have a successful time in club.

With a Two-Count, the child could be removed from activities and stay in a safe place in the sight of at least two adults. When the T&T Director/Awana Director feels the child is ready, they may return to the activities.


If the child continues to misbehave after returning to club activities, the child should be removed for the rest of the club and the Awana Director should speak to the child’s parent(s) or guardian(s).

What's Next?

Thank you for serving!!!!