Westwood Baptist Church


333 Kaiser Rd. NW

Olympia WA. 98502

Our club is participating in the AWANA Games

 March 9th at Kitsap County fair grounds.

Last night for AWANA club will be 

May 22nd 

Our Middle School and High School program is:

Tuesdays 6:30-8PM

Our Kind thru 5th Grade Program is:

Wednesdays  6:30-8PM

Because kids matter to God! 

2 Timothy 2 : 15

What is AWANA?

 Hey Parents and Kids!

How would you like to be part of an exciting club designed especially for you? AWANA is the place. You will have a great time with a load of fun packed into each Wednesday night, as well as a variety of special activities. You will want to return every week!(AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed 2 Tim 2:15)

However, AWANA is about much more than just a good time. We are all about reaching boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ, and training them to serve Him! Each boy and girl will grow in Bible knowledge and application. We want to help you grow in ways pleasing to God and to your parents!

Our Schedule:

Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:00 pm

 Trek- 6th-8th Grade Boys and Girls (E-13)

Journey - 9th-12th Grade Boys and Girls (E-16)

Wednesday, 6:30 - 8:00pm  (Each below is a separate Club meeting in separate rooms)

Puggles - 2 years olds by Sept 1st

Cubbies - Pre-K (Must be 3 yrs old by Sept. 1 and potty trained)

Sparks -  K-2nd Grade Boys and Girls

T&T (Girls) - 3rd-5th Grade Girls

T&T (Boys) - 3rd-5th Grade Boys

Q: What do kids do at AWANA?

A: A lot in 1 1/2 hours! Arriving on time means they won't miss out on all the fun and action! Check-in begins at 6:15pm. Three major activities fill the evening:

1. Handbook Time - 30 minutes working with leaders to memorize and learn verses as well as working through handbook lessons that have Bible readings, questions and answers.

2. Game Time  - in the Family Center Gym where age appropriate fun and exciting activities are played around a special game circle.

3. Large Group Time - Bible stories and lessons are taught through song, acting, and video presentations.

Need More Info?  Get in touch with us at home.hallmann@gmail.com