Veteran's Day Project

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Explore this interactive timeline from the World War II National Museum
Afghanistan War began in 2001. It started as a short but intense war in which the United States and its allies battled the Taliban , a militant Islamic group that controlled Afghanistan. 
Over 148,163 stories are assembled here from life oral history interviews with 2,691 historically significant African Americans as of December 4, 2020.
Article and information about World War II,(1939-1945) 
Persian Gulf War of 1991 was fought in early 1991 between Iraq and a coalition of 39 countries organized mainly by the United States and the United Nations (UN).
Veterans entitlements and resources
The Korean War Project began in 1979 as part of a family history. The founder is Hal Barker, a photojournalist, writer, designer/inventor/ carpenter, a graduate of North Carolina State University in History, and founder and initial contributor to establish the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., administered by the American Battle Monuments Commission.
A collection of 81,500,577 freely usable media to which anyone can contribute
Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War pitted communist North Vietnam and the Viet Cong against South Vietnam and the United States.
Iraq War (2003-2011) began when the United States and its allies launched an invasion of Iraq in March 2003. 

Consider various viewpoints in news articles by thinking of the many faces of influence

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