Rules for Westside's Battle of the Books

1. Each round will have 30 questions – 15 questions for each team. Questions will alternate between the teams.

2. Each question is worth 2 points – 1 point for the correct, full title and 1 point for the author’s correct, full name. It is possible for a team to get only the title or only the author correct. Correct pronunciation is not important.

3. There are no steals. A team cannot receive any points if the other team answers their question incorrectly.

4. Each team should designate a reporter who will give the team’s answers. The same person needs to be the reporter for the entire round.

5. Each team can only have at most 4 members participating in any round. You cannot swap out members in the middle of a round.

6. Each team is given 20 seconds to answer their question. Time will start after the question is completely read. The timer will give a 5-second warning before the end of the 20-second interval. If a team starts answering before time is called, their answer will be accepted. Answers started after time is called will not be accepted.

7. The team reporter can ask the reader to repeat the question during the 20-second time interval, but the timer will not stop the clock while the question is repeated.

8. The first answer given will be the only one that is accepted.

9. The reader will indicate whose turn it is by pointing to the team. If a team answers a question when it is not their turn, the correct team will still be able to answer the same question.

10. During a team’s question, the opposing team may not talk. Spectators are not allowed to talk during the round. Anyone who does not comply will be asked to leave the competition area.

11. If a team wants to object to a reader’s ruling, this must be done at the time of the incident. Only team members may make an objection.

12. All cellphones should be on mute. Anyone who does not comply will be asked to leave the competition area.

Sample Questions and Correct vs. Incorrect Answers

Titles and authors must be given as in the official Battle of the Books list of books.

Example 1:

Question: "In which book is a carefree puppy born on a farm between the Bavarian Alps and the city of Berlin?

Answer (Incorrect Title, Correct Author; 1 point earned): Strongheart by Candace Fleming

Answer (Correct Title and Author; 2 points earned): Strongheart: Wonder Dog of the Silver Screen by Candace Fleming

Example 2:

Question: "In which book does the story take place in Fortin, Vermont?"

Answer (Correct Title, Incorrect Author; 1 point earned): Ruby in the Sky by Jeanne Ferruolo

Answer (Correct Title and Author; 2 points earned): Ruby in the Sky by Jeanne Zulick Ferruolo

Example 3:

Question: "In which book is there a Lego pirate ship in the closet?"

Answer (Correct Title, Incorrect Author; 1 point earned): Bob by Wendy Mass

Answer (Correct Title and Author; 2 points earned): Bob by Wendy Mass and Rebecca Stead