Who We Are:
We are the Westcliff and Westcliff West Neighborhood Associations, and we seek to promote, preserve, and enhance the quality of life in our neighborhoods. We accomplish this through monthly meetings and community events. We also participate in National Night Out every October and host an Independence Day Parade every July 4th.
Critical Contact Information for Active Neighborhood-wide Infrastructure Projects
CoFW TPW Dept (Drainage & Storm Drain Project #CO1669)
Mike Bennett, Project Manager, 817-392-7891 (cell), 817-307-9039 (office)
CoFW Water Dept (City Water & Sewer Project #103421)
Zak Zakersalehi, Project Manager, 817-991-8098 (cell), 817-392-8695 (office)
For street-specific contact information, text Zak Zakersalehi at the cell number above. Be sure to provide your name, address, and phone number.
Brian McGill, Inspector on Site, 817-647-2514 (cell), 817-392-8306 (office)
General project information, concerns about tree damage, and concerns about coordination between Water and TPW projects.
Tired of Missing Meetings? Add Them to Your Calendar!
Navigate to our Calendar page and select the the next neighborhood association meeting. More information should appear, including a link saying "copy to my calendar."
Follow Westcliff Neighbors on Facebook! General meetings are listed on our public page as events, so you can RSVP and receive reminder notifications.