External Grants 

Role: Co-PI, with PI Jingfang Zhang and Co-Pl Haoluan Wang

Funded by USDA, NIFA

Role: PI, with Co-Pl Jeffrey H. Dorfman and Co-PI Samir Huseynov 

Funded by USDA, NIFA

Role: PI, with  Co-PI, Joel Cuffey 

Funded by The Gifford Center for Population Studies - UC Davis

Role: Single PI

Funded by USDA, FAS

Role: Single PI

Funded by USDA, FAS

Internal Grants

Role: Co-PI, with PI Wendiam Sawadgo

Funded by Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station

Role: Co-PI, with PI Yaoqi Zhang

       Funded by Pilot 4 Research Support Program (RSP), Auburn University