Design with Coastal Resilience in Southeast Asia

In this project, as a member of the University of Pennsylvania team participating in an international resilience design competition, I explored various adaptive design solutions - both on the high level as a framework, and on the ground-level as low-cost yet sustainable interventions, to mitigate the increasing hazards and threats from rising sea level in a Southeast Asian metropolis.

Sea level rise in the past several decades has posed significant challenges to the livelihoods of local communities.

A framework of organization has been devised with various existing site factors taken into consideration.

Conceptual Visions for the future coastal town were explored and compared with local knowledge and stakeholders.

Necessary infrastructures for "floodable" homes and resilient public spaces were planned and made as the priority for the overall plan.

Components of sustainable coastal protection and economic revitalization strategies were combined with mobility and connectivity redesign of the site, to provide better access to and from the existing community and offer a vibrant hub of growth and activities on the waterfront.

Final plan proposal. (The levee and major connector road on the north, secondary levee and neighborhood roads on the east edge and along major mixed-use corridors, with site-specific cantilevered housing designs and resilient public realm designs, etc. Larger format commercial and tourism hubs are also planned on the periphery of the site to provide the community with accessible job opportunities and economic values.)

Interested to learn more? Feel free to connect me at!